Destiny 2 - How to Unlock the Chest in the Lighthouse
There is a mysterious chest locked away in the Lighthouse in Destiny 2. Here’s how to open it.
Nothing gets people excited about Destiny 2 quite look a good secret or puzzle. Big or small, the Destiny 2 community likes to discover new things and solve problems. Luckily, the Curse of Osiris DLC in Destiny 2 has a small puzzle that you can work through that leads to a chest. It’ll only take you a minute to solve, and then the chest is yours to open.
Unlock the Chest in the Lighthouse
When you arrive at the Lighthouse, there will be five symbols hidden around the room. If you activate them in order, you can then interact with a conflux and open the door that’s protecting the chest. It’s not the most elaborate thing to ever hit the Destiny 2 universe (looking at you, Black Spindle quest), but it’s still cool.

Symbol 1: When you enter the Lighthouse, the first symbol is embedded in a book that sits to the left of where Brother Vance is standing. That’s the left when your back is to the entrance to the Lighthouse.

Symbol 2: Activate the second symbol, which you’ll find on the right side of the Lighthouse when you enter. It’s close to the back, tucked away on one of the lower bookshelves.

Symbol 3: The third symbol can be found on your left when you enter the Lighthouse. Go down the small steps and it’s tucked in a corner near one of the small torches pits and a ladder.

Symbol 4: You’ll find the fourth symbol that you must activate on the right side of the room when you enter the Lighthouse. It’s on a table near an Acolyte of Osiris.

Symbol 5: The final symbol is found when you’re looking at the weapon forge. On the right side and up a bit is the symbol. You’ll need to hop on a small table or nearby ledge to reach it.

When you’ve activated all five symbols, there is a conflux that will appear at the back right of the Lighthouse when your back is to the door. Approach it an interact with it to remove the gate that’s blocking your access to the chest.

What do you get from the chest? Hard to say, really. I got a legendary engram, three Mercury tokens, and 1,000 Glimmer. It’s just a region chest, so it’s tough to say for sure if you’ll have the same luck. Perhaps it’s programmed to give every Guardian a legendary, but I don’t know that for sure at this point.
For more help with Destiny 2 and the Curse of Osiris DLC, be sure to visit the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide.