Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - All Photo Opportunities

Snap all Photo Opportunities in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy to unlock Pics or It Didn’t Happen.


Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is full of collectibles for gamers to find. One of the more interesting collectible types in the game are the Photo Opportunities. There are 28 in total, and finding all of them will unlock two trophies, #nofilter and Pics or It Didn’t Happen.


Photo Opportunity #1: The first photo of the game can be taken almost as soon as it starts. Follow Meenu until she stands on a box and you should see the prompt pop up.

Chapter 2: Infiltration

Photo Opportunity #2: This photo can be taken as soon as the chapter begins. Look to your right and the prompt should pop up, allowing Chloe to take a picture of Asav.

Chapter 3: Homecoming

Photo Opportunity #3: This photo can be taken as soon as the chapter begins. Turn to your right and you should soon see the prompt.

Photo Opportunity #4: Take a photo before you drop down into the water with the flamingos. Exit your jeep and approach the edge of the cliff to find the prompt. If you drop down you went too far.

Photo Opportunity #5: Players can find this photo opportunity in the water just before the temple at the end of the chapter. There should be a small waterfall in front of you as well.

Chapter 4: The Western Ghats

Photo Opportunity #6: Like previous chapters, there is a photo to be taken at the beginning. After the game shows you how to open your map, get out of your jeep and approach the cliff for this pic.

Photo Opportunity #7: This photo is taken in the southern part of the map where the gun turret is. Clear the enemies, then blow up a weak wall with a grenade and find the Photo Opportunity in the back area.

Photo Opportunity #8: Take a photo in the southeast part of the map. Look for the area at the base of the series of waterfalls. Look for the prompt to take a photo of the waterfalls themselves.

Photo Opportunity #9: Players can take another photo as soon as they enter the monkey area. Stand at the edge of the cliff and look to the back area where the monkeys are.

Photo Opportunity #10: This photo can be taken only after you collect all Hoysala Tokens and get the Queen’s Ruby. Head to the back of the monkey area and move to the cliff’s edge to find it.

Photo Opportunity #11: There is a river that runs to the very north part of the map. Follow the river to a waterfall, looking on the west side of it for a difficult to find Photo Opportunity.

Photo Opportunity #12: Gamers can take this photo after the first axe fort puzzle section. As you go outside, stop at the cliff’s edge and take a photo of the entire Western Ghats region.

Photo Opportunity #13: There’s a photo to be taken on the northeast edge of the large body of water found in the southwest corner of the map. The photo is from the path above, looking at the bow fort.

Photo Opportunity #14: This photo location is in the large body of water in the southwest portion of the map. Look for an elephant statue in the water. The photo prompt will be just in front of it.

Chapter 5: The Great Battle

Photo Opportunity #15: Shortly after the start of the chapter, you’ll swing past a waterfall to some rocks. Follow them clockwise to find a Photo Opportunity of the various waterfalls in the area.

Photo Opportunity #16: This photo is taken when Chloe and Nadine climb to the very top of the area and have a short cut scene. As you start to move away the prompt will pop up.

Photo Opportunity #17: Gamers can snag this photo when they drop into a room using their grappling hooks. The photo is near the water’s edge, opposite of where you can find a piece of Treasure.

Photo Opportunity #18: This photo is near the end of the chapter. When you can go right to spin a dial, instead go left until you find the last Photo Opportunity of this chapter.

Chapter 6: The Gatekeeper

Photo Opportunity #19: This Photo Opportunity is found when you’re standing in front of the group of elephants, after the elephant ride. Nadine will take this one for you.

Photo Opportunity #20: Grab a photo shortly after leaving the area with the elephants. Just before you reach a lockbox at the top of the steps, climb up the right side of the rocks and find a photo prompt.

Chapter 7: The Lost Legacy

Photo Opportunity #21: There is a photo to be taken at the very start of the chapter. Look at the structure in front of you and find the prompt to take the picture near the cliff’s edge.

Photo Opportunity #22: Find a Photo Opportunity after diving under the water and emerging in another room. Hop onto the steps in front of you and take a picture of the statues up ahead.

Photo Opportunity #23: This photo can be taken after you exit the room with the tusk in the middle. Move to the cliff’s edge and take a picture of what you see across from you.

Photo Opportunity #24: This photo is also taken in the room full of water after the tusk alter. Once you climb up with Nadine, take a photo before you go for a swim.

Photo Opportunity #25: Another photo is in the room just after the tusk alter. Once you swing to the opposite side of the room and find yourself in water, take a photo of the statues up ahead.

Photo Opportunity #26: This photo is taken in the final room where you complete the Shiva light puzzle. From the water on the ground, look up at Shiva and take this picture.

Photo Opportunity #27: Take the final photo of the chapter when Nadine is holding up the plate to reflect the light beam. You’re basically trolling her with this one and it’s nearly impossible to miss.

Chapter 8: Partners

Photo Opportunity #28: The final Photo Opportunity of the game can be found after Chloe slides down some slopes and finds herself looking at the trains. Take a picture of the trains and you’re done.

That’s all the Photo Opportunities in Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. If you’ve followed along you will have unlocked the #nofilter and Pics or It Didn’t Happen trophies. You can continue your journey of solving puzzles and colleting items by visiting our Uncharted: The Lost Legacy guide.

Managing Editor

Bill, who is also known as Rumpo, is a lifelong gamer and Toronto Maple Leafs fan. He made his mark early in his career through guide writing and a deep understanding of editorial SEO. He enjoys putting in the work to create a great content, be it a wild feature or grinding out an in-depth collectible guide. Tweet him @RumpoPlays if you have a question or comment about one of his articles.

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