Weekend Discussion - July 23, 2022

Published , by Dennis White

It's been an amazing week here at Shacknews and I'm excited to share some of my favorite moments from the week! Let's get to it shall we?

In Case You Missed It

MultiVersus is in early access and is definitely getting plenty of attention right now. Rod had some thoughts on the potential of the game during this week's edition of Wide World of Electronic Sports.

Watch more of WWES ahead of Monday's next show here.

Speaking of MultiVersus, we had plenty of fun on the game during Big Team Building and some other streams throughout the week, including one from the Birthday Boy Donovan! He's had more hands-on time than all of us and it deffinitely showed during his Harley moments on the livestream. Check out the clip of his perfect below: 

Tesla reported their quarterly earnings this week and there were plenty of interesting parts of the earnings conversation. You can listen to the entire thing on our YouTube channel here. But our own @Asif Khan also provided some analysis and his thoughts on the news from the earnings call as well which you can watch below:

TJ Denzer had some fun playing Final Vendetta on Indie-licious this week which reminded me of classic beat em ups like Streets of Rage and Final Fight. Check out more of his time with the game here. And enjoy the suplex action in the clip below: 

There was plenty of fun conversation during episode 9 of Retail Therapy as the guys talked about their favorite LEGO collections! Do you have any collections you are a fan of? Sound off in the comments! 

Stray may be one of the best games of the year and we have plenty of awesome kitty cat gameplay for you to watch including a full playthrough with no commentary from our own Bill Lavoy. TJ also gave the game a spin during a special live stream and things got a bit hairy...

And Now ...The internet

Let's kick things off with some Elden Ring randomness because it's been awhile...

We got the first trailer for the Dungeons & Dragons film and I am really curious to see what you all think. Chris Pine still has some leading man charm and it looks shot fairly well. I'm glad that it is not taking itself too seriously. 

I felt this in my soul. 

The amount of friends I have that would end it all for one date with Alucard made this even more funny to me. 

I enjoy reading little things about Kojima's early days like this. 

They make it look easy right? 

The wheels may be churning...

Weekend Vibes

What a dangerous combo we have in this week's selection. 

That's all folks! Wow, it's almost the end of the month. Keep an eye out next week as I'm sure there will be plenty of exciting nes coming out of Comic-Con to chat about and rememebr to check out our free app Shackpets!