Weekend Discussion - August 27, 2022

Published , by Dennis White

Happy Saturday! I hope that the weekend has been kind to you all. Let's get into Weekend Discussion shall we?

In Case You Missed It

There was quite the reaction to the Killer Clowns from Outer Space reveal at Opening Night Live. Check out the full list of reveals, trailers and more from ONL here.

And Now...The Internet

This 2007 meme has some legs and this thread is gold. 

If you somehow haven't seen the Predator prequel PREY yet on Hulu...you should change that. 

This is actually pretty cool. 

Hoping to feel like this Sunday morning! 

Pretty good stuff here even though I'm not a fan of the game. 

I love Asuka and PlayStation so here's a tweet.

Here's some rare Destiny 2 meme action from me. Enjoy.

Weekend Vibes

I still have the Pusha album in rotation fairly regularly these days. Here's an example of why. 

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend! Feel free to check out more content on our YouTube channel and spend a little bit of time on our free mobile app Shackpets.