All Stories Tagged: Steamworks

Toy Soldiers now available without Games for Windows Live

Games for Windows Live seems, thankfully, to be on its last legs. Most games with Microsoft's system nowadays are straightforward ports from Xbox 360, using GFWL to directly replace identical Xbox Live functionality. One such port, Signal Studios' tower defense Toy Soldiers, now delightfully gives you the option to play a new version using Valve's superior Steamworks, or to stick with the old GFWL one.

Borderlands 2 PC uses Steamworks

The PC edition Borderlands 2 will use Valve's Steamworks suite as its DRM. Gearbox's shooter RPG will pack Steamworks features including multiplayer matchmaking, Steam Cloud storage, achievements, auto-updating, downloadable content, "and more."

Steam Trading officially launches

Steam's snazzy interface for trading games and in-game items has come out of public testing and officially launched, letting you swap hats for games and all that jazz.

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