Grand Theft Auto 4 Release Chatty Extravaganza

So, I hear tell that there's some new game coming out that, apparently, folks are kinda stoked about. Being that there's likely going to be quite a bit of talk about said game, we figure we'd put together a chatty thread dedicated to tonight's midnight release of Rockstar's Grand Theft Auto IV.

Did you go to the midnight release parties? Beat a fellow patron to death for a collector's edition copy? Tell your stories, talk up the game and nerd out in the comments. And let's keep the GTA 4 discussion here to avoid flooding tonight's Evening Reading.

Don't forget, we also offer a slew of previous GTA 4 coverage, which includes:

Also, we are pleased to announce that twitch_trigger has won our GTA-themed contest with his clever twist on a cocky resignation letter. Congratulations, twitch.
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