Evening Reading - March 22, 2021

Published , by Sam Chandler

Good evening, Shacknews, it's night time, which means it's time for Evening Reading. Let's officially close out our day of posting. Please take a look.

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

How to become a game designer

GMTK is a fantastic series. You should watch more!

A hidden piece of dialogue

Make sure you say GG even when you lose.

The OG

The original gun.

There's some stuff happening in Australia right now

Like, this government needs to get out.

Nina tweets

And we listen.

We might never find out

Critical information behind paywalls.

Is it all good in the hood?

No, no it is not.

King of the Hill screens

This episode is when Hank becomes a substitute teacher for a stint.

There you have it, Shacknews, your Evening Reading for tonight. Please consider subscribing to Shacknews Mercury to support our site for as little as $1/month.

It's a rainy day today, which means Rad is all snuggly and sleepy.

What are you up to tonight? Let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below.