Evening Reading - October 14, 2019

Published , by Asif Khan

Hey Shacknews! I got your Evening Reading right here. Please take a look.

Fortnite is still gone

That Fortnite blackhole stream is still going, but we have seen some leaks hinting at Fortnite Chapter 2 launching soon. 

NFL Instant Replay stinks

It is not just the Browns getting hosed, the entire NFL viewing experience is getting worse with the current state of instant replay. I don't think they should get rid of it, but the current rules and implementation of replay need to be changed. We now go to LeBron James for some instant analysis:

Oh wait, that was just a terrible hot take from LeBron about the NBA's current Hong Kong troubles. Way to stay in the pocket of communist China, Bron. GGs.

Kojima Productions splash screen preview

I can't wait for Death Stranding to launch! Hideo Kojima shared this splash screen for his studio today.

WWE 2K20 looks... bad

What on Earth happened to Hulk Hogan?

Wow, WWE 2K20 looks really bad. Check out roushimsx's Chatty thread about the game. Also this Streamable link features a cringe-worthy gameplay video of the career mode. Sad that this game looks worse than WWE 2K14.

Hulk Hogan WWE 2K14 character model.
Hulk Hogan's WWE 2K20 character model.

In case you missed it on Shacknews:

That's your Evening Reading for October 14, 2019. Please consider subscribing to Shacknews Mercury. You can support our site for as little as $1/month. Here's a Lola video to brighten your night.

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