Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 5 wows
    By: AluminumMallard
    Do you know how much a COVID booster costs out of pocket? $190! The cost/benefit analysis changes completely at that price. Insurance companies are being straight dicks, man.

    FYI, if you are underinsured, there is apparently a program called “Bridge Access” from the CDC that will provide free COVID vaccines through 2024. Go to and you can see participating pharmacies/providers in your zip code. However, when I tried to do this, the CVS which was supposedly participating said they didn’t want to honor that - hence my $190 visa charge.
  • 5 wows
    By: shirif
    Bacteria Can Store Memories And Pass Them on For Generations
  • 5 wows
    By: Amigroe
    Forgive me, it's been a long fucking day. Anyhow here goes.

    I met his mother when I was 19, I honestly can't even remember how we met. All I know is we boned each others brains out for a few weeks. If I'm being honest, its probably the closest thing I ever had to a real girlfriend. As such, things started getting real, and I kind of got nervous at the idea of a "serious relationship" as I had real plans of leaving that small town and did not want to be trapped there forever. I don't recall the specifics of the moment, but I know I just kind of ghosted her at that point. Life went on I started new jobs, moved out of town to take a big chance on the east coast. I wont presume anything she did because I just didn't know. It's not like it is now because there was absolutely no way to keep up with people like there is today unless you were god damn pen pals. Things didn't work out well for me out east, so I moved back home and I started working at a bar in my small home town. I was maybe 22 years old and she walked in my bar. She walked in with what seemed like a leather 5" mini skirt, and then, we saw each other. We talked for a couple of hours and caught up. She had been takingt nursing classes, and I, well I had been studying Quake II death match. It took a few beers to get the juices flowing and we soon found ourselves in the throws of pasion back at my tiny studio apartment. Things happened with our parts, fast forward. I dropped her back at the bar, we kissed and said what would be our final goodbye. A good death. Until...several weeks later I get a call, on my landline, because thats what we had back then. "Hey man, my name is <redacted> and I'm <redacted> 's FINANCE. She's pregnant and a lot of people are telling me you guys hooked up a few weeks ago and man, I just need to know, is it true?" I'm like "man, first of all no. Also you need to be looking at the people around you and figuring out who'd be lying to you and why'd they be doing that." He thanked me for my honesty and then hung up. On my mothers grave, she never told me she was engaged or even seeing anyone else that night. I never heard another word about this possibility until like 3 days ago.
  • 5 wows
    By: skinlab133
    This is so random. I'm going to a funeral today so I put on my "nice" winter coat and in the inside pocket was a sealed envelope from my parents. Inside was a birthday card from 2017 with $100 cash.

    Best. Funeral. Ever.
  • 5 wows
    By: shirif
    Floods in Dominican Republic
  • 5 wows
    By: Maddog_Delphi97
    (Video with sound)
    El ataque de los vikingos (SONIDO)
  • 5 wows
    By: Rahzar
    Apple is adding RCS. Wow!
  • 5 wows
    By: hostwiththemost
    I hate this time of year. Hate thanksgiving. Hate xmas. Probably my sister inviting us and extended family for a last hurrah Thanksgiving, then killing herself the day after christmas has something to do with this.
  • 5 wows
    By: peat
    She keeps good company
  • 5 wows
    By: redfive
    RIP Omegle

    Site shutdown due to shitty people on the Internet. Surprised it took this long but here we are.