Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 172 infs
    I do not think all Shacknews Chatty community members are white supremacists.

    I apologize to foo and peat for saying what I did on Twitter.

    It all came from a place of pain, fear, and anger.

    I am genuinely sorry for saying it.
  • 156 infs
    By: jenisthebest
    Imagine what people would say to you if you said, "I was out of town for 4 weeks. One night during that time, my fiancée said she was alone, but I looked at her Facebook messages and found out she'd actually lied and had a male coworker over to watch movies. She said nothing happened and it was completely innocent, and she didn't tell me because she didn't want me to overreact. She is also always texting this person which she says is work related, and they go out drinking and dancing together with other coworkers. Should I be worried?"

    You know. You KNOW literally everyone would tell you she was cheating on you. Everyone would tell you there is 0 chance she's not sleeping with the coworker. There would be a 300+ comment thread loling at you for being naive.

    With that in mind, perhaps you can try to be a little more understanding about her position and why she might have trust issues.
  • 154 infs
    By: dognose
    GC is still with us. He asked that the thread be nuked, which is why it is gone. I have no further info and am not going to press for any at this time. Please let this post fall to page 2 quickly, he knows we all love him and want him well at this point. Thank you.
  • 133 infs
    By: hirez
    A Short Essay on Moderation

    In response to the recent robust discussion, where several comments made regarding moderators not nuking comments which were perceived to be outside the community guidelines, we (the mod team) felt it was a good time to provide a small overview on moderation and a reminder.

    First, no single mod can say "I don't like this person, lets ban them", and then they are banned.

    We may bring issues we notice in the chatty and say "Hey team, I see this Shacker as an issue due to X, Y and Z reasons. Am I being petty here, do you all see these things as problematic as I do?". All the moderation team will take a look, and we all weigh in on it. There is no rubber stamp from the rest of the mod team when this happens. There are Shackers posting right now in the chatty who've been under review, and the majority of the mod team did not feel they were outside the guidelines to the point they were banned.

    Second, unless the Shacker does something especially egregious, we give multiple chances and opportunities for the Shacker to revise the behavior that's problematic.

    Sometimes this might entail an escalating ban level, in order to give some time for reflection. Additionally, we have sent personal shackmessage from one of the moderation team providing direct feedback on the issues encountered and a path to ensure they continue to be a part of the community. If the Shacker does not adjust in response to these methods, that indicates to the moderation team that they do not respect the community and this leads to a permaban.

    Finally, the moderation team is very small now. There are only 8 moderators here, and one lead mod/owner. We all have real lives & jobs outside of Shacknews. We try to read/review as much as we can, but there will be times that we miss stuff. But we have a solution (thanks to electroly!) to try and fill in the gaps - if you see something that you feel needs moderation review, please send a shackmessage to Duke Nuked with your concern. This will post your shackmessage immediately to the Shackmoderator Slack (yes we have a Slack!). Whoever is online will see the notice and it will get reviewed asap. Sending concerns to specific mods is still OK if you want to discuss something, but responses can be delayed, so for immediate concerns use Duke Nuked

    Sincerely Your Mod Team:

    the man with the briefcase, bitchesbecrazy, dognose, EvilDolemite, morgin, ninjase, redfive, serpico74, and your's truly hirez

    PS. we dont want shitty people here who say shitty stuff on purpose to cause people to get upset. That's just crazy talk.

    PPS. if this posts gets 100+ infs/unfs the man with the briefcase promised to double the moderator team's salary!
  • 114 infs
    Today marks one year for me as CEO of Shacknews. I call myself the inexplicable CEO of Shacknews, because I never really planned on being this involved in the company. I enjoy being a passive investor in companies, but this has become more than an investment to me. I want to thank the team for their amazing work. We have now grown our monthly unique visitors year over year for 5 straight months, stopping the decline that began in 2009. We continue to tweak our articles, podcast, streams, and video content to better serve the broader gaming community. We also remain focused on involving the Chatty community with the Rocket League tournaments, the Chattycast, and Greg's Top Ten lists. We launched Mercury Beta in August, and have plans to create even more value for our subscribers in the near future. There is much more we can do, and we are nowhere near the end of this turnaround. I know that I am not a conventional CEO, but this is not your ordinary website.

    Thank you very much for sticking with us, and I continue to look forward to the future of Shacknews.

  • 110 infs
    By: ThomW
    The [lol] tag is 10 years old today!

    On Jan 26, 2007 I was sitting at my desk during my last week working for the industrial automation company that I spent the last 15 years at, and had given notice to a week earlier. I was doing documentation and running out the clock when boring gegtik posted an idea (that he had apparently stolen from voodooraze ... lol).

    I had created a Greasemonkey script called Shacknews Soul Sucker Filter which did the same thing as the [ugh] tag did -- let people downvote posts and automatically collapse them if a set number of people agreed that the story was soul-sucking -- and realized I could take that script and whip up what boring gegtik voodooraze suggested in an hour or so, so between other things and lunch, I threw together the first working version of the script.

    Since then, we've apparently smashed that button over 2.4 million times.

    Year      LOL      All Tags   Tag Growth
    ---- ------- ---------- ----------
    2007 87,272 87,272 87,272
    2008 173,173 182,104 94,832
    2009 153,539 178,536 -3,568
    2010 162,412 216,850 38,314
    2011 158,869 235,565 18,715
    2012 236,047 365,840 130,275
    2013 332,429 523,610 157,770
    2014 347,735 557,375 33,765
    2015 386,044 617,217 59,842
    2016 372,068 641,151 23,934
    ========= =========
    2,409,588 3,605,520

    Crazy. 10 years. :D
  • 108 infs
    By: Megara9
    You guys really thought this was a good idea? I really hope Abrasion gave you permission to do this as satire because if not it’s some of the ugliest shit I’ve seen on shacknews. You guys don’t “owe” him customized content - but he also doesn’t owe your website any views, clicks, or content.

    A site that’s trying to be professional shouldn’t be posting thin-skinned edgelord articles like this. It reeks of amateurism and pettiness, with a good dose of misogyny in there for mayooms, who’s a stellar community member. Fuck you guys.
  • 107 infs
    By: Zero|DPX
    TLDR: Don't use AVG antivirus products.

    A couple years ago we caught AVG rewriting the low-level profile data of Chrome users in order to hijack their search engine settings to ones that financially benefitted AVG.

    Today I found out that AVG MITMs users by replacing the certificates on SSL connections with their own. When this broke Chromecast and we confronted them, instead of stopping their behavior, they shipped a patch that avoids doing this for Chromecast but continues it elsewhere. With Gogo and, today, Lenovo's Superfish software in the news for doing this sort of intentional MITMing, it should be obvious that this is an incredibly bad idea and can lead to all sorts of potential security issues in addition to breaking things.

    Anti-virus programs are already basically a load of shit; they mostly slow your system down for little real security benefit, and in many cases (see Tavis Ormandy's epic Sophos takedown) make your system significantly less secure. I only run MSE; it doesn't do much for you but it's perhaps the most benign AV program in terms of negative effects. But regardless of whether you want a minimal AV program or one that tries to do more, AVG is just scummy. Don't patronize them.
  • 101 infs
    By: squigiliwams
    After my last long term relationship ended, i did that whole Forgetting Sarah Marshall thing and went off and awkardly fucked pretty much anything that walked, and then realized:

    While yes... my ex was a cheating whore and i hope she dies of herpes, I COULD have been a more proactive boyfriend. And by that i mean my sitting around playing WoW for 2 years of our 4 year relationship didn't fucking help her stay off other dicks. (shes still a cheating whore but admitting you're at fault too is half the battle)

    So for this one (3.5 years, getting married in 5 weeks) I realized i should probably put some extra stat points in 'boyfriend'. Here is a quick list of shit you're going to have to just fucking suck up and stick in the rotation.

    - Plan some fucking dates. I dont know what kind of people you are, but me and my girl are fairly dorky and dont hang at bars too often, so we Found a Drive in Movie Theater, went Mini Golfing, Go Karting. We try to catch movies at least once a month just to DO something. Open up fucking Foursquare, poke around for shit you'd never in a million years do, THEN FUCKING DO IT. Groupon is also great for those stupid fucking one off things for cheap. Bonus points, ask her out like its fuckin high school. This shit is fucking cosmo level stupid and corny, but do it once in a SUPER FUCKING RARE BLUE MOON and she might just fucking melt. I know mine does. But again, shes a dork.

    - Make some fucking shit with your hands - You know what drops some fucking panties? Making some shit. Bitches love handmade shit. She like chocolate? Have her come home to hand made chocolate covered strawberries. Stupid simple. Pays off year round. I do it once a year on valentines day, and my girl JUMPS at the chance to brag about it, year around.

    - Do shit at home that ISNT sit on your ass Again, all this shit sounds corny as fuck, and nothing is as corny to me as Cooking Together (ughhhhhh). But god damn is it some 'US TIME!' shit. You know what me and my girl do a few times a month? Make a home made pizza. You can buy pizza dough at the grocery store in a ball ready to go, buy some sauce, cheese, toppings. Crack a bottle of wine on a friday night, and spend the date in your kitchen getting flour all over the place and customizing half a pizza. Hang out and ask her about her day and that 1 crazy bitch girlfriend you both know is a crazy bitch but shes still friends with. Down half the bottle. Then take all that shit to the couch, put on a movie, and BAM. Fucking 20 dollar date you can go on in your fucking underwear. HELL be cute and put a tie on while you make pizza in your underwear. Bitches love ties.

    Do one of those things each month. 3 'special' nights out of 30 doesnt really add up to shit, but if your relationship needs a kick in the ass it fuckin helps. After you do a couple, ASK HER to plan one just to mix it up.

    Yes, it feels ultra corny to do some of that shit sometimes, but fuck man she doesnt want you to be george clooney pulling off oceans 11 complex fucking dates every night. She just wants some fun and some stories to tell her friends. Have at it.
  • 97 infs
    By: Rauol Duke
    Dignan... Jesus Christ... I'm going to try telling you this since your father failed as a man. Pull your fucking head out of your ass. Quit whining. Quit begging. Quit blaming everything on "raising your daughter alone". That's too much pressure for a child who is already in a world of shit she's too young to process. There are people in this country who can't speak fucking English and can make money with honest work. There are a million single parents out there that don't live like goddamned transients. Everything is your fault, even the shit that isn't. Go hang out in front of Home Depot while the kid is at school. Get money. Don't buy stupid shit. That kid needs a home and stable life more than a fucking Wii U. You were born a straight white male in America and you are still fucking it up.

    Get the shady shit out of your amazon wish list, your life, and more importantly the kids life. Everyone has fucked up shit happen to them, you just wallow in it and refuse to learn anything. Christ almighty how do you not know these things? I'm sure you'll just reply to this with a sob story about how nothing is your fault, or an SM begging me to nuke this and take nothing from it, because you haven't learned a thing in all these years of coming here.