Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 2 awws
    By: EvilDolemite
    Made it through surgery. Whole experience was surreal.

    In my room recovering. Gotta share with Shack because I’ve been talking, arguing with, and sharing with you folks for 22 years!
  • 1 awws
    By: derelict515
    getting the most of the smartest workers across the globe into our economy is a competitive advantage on the world stage, not an abuse of the system. The same red tape you're making for the Googles of the world also makes it much harder for startups and entrepreneurs to hire these folks or to have them just start companies themselves.
  • 1 awws
    By: TotalFusionOne
    FYI Tonight is the final broadcast for Jack Edwards since ABC has exclusive rights to a Game 7.

    It's a good time to remember that whether you hate him for being an absolute homer to the point of lying on his broadcasts repeatedly, hate him for ruining an entire generation of hockey fans who now don't think the rules correctly because of his broadcasts, hate him for body shaming people, hate him for claiming that spearing or licking your opponents was just gamesmanship, or love him that his not broadcasting after this evening.
  • 1 awws
    By: orgcaptainnemo
    Yeah, I know it’s dying I was just curious to know how quickly.
  • 1 awws
    By: gameindustryplant
    I mention it to my normie friends all the time and 0.00% interest