3D Realms News


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On Max Payne MP

By Maarten Goldstein, May 19, 2000 4:38am PDT

George Broussard over at 3D Realms posted this message on the Shack threads yesterday, to explain why Remedy's upcoming 3rd person game Max Payne...


"I still don't buy the weak claim that "nobody wants to play third person on a network"... Same ..."

- Astrakhan see all 6 comments

Scott Miller Interview

By Maarten Goldstein, May 16, 2000 12:53pm PDT

GameWeek has a new interview up, talking to 3D Realms' Scott Miller. They talk about all sorts of things, including the Apogee shareware model (and...


"You'll NEVER ever see an interview with Scott Miller where he doesn't tout his self proclaimed ..."

- tookycat see all 9 comments

Evening News

By Maarten Goldstein, May 02, 2000 7:23pm PDT

NoFadz has a short piece of the chat log of Yahoo's chat with Metallica, which pretty much sumarizes how they feel on the whole Napster topic....


"off topic and all but I have a neat idea... I presume alot of you here use napster... right? ..."

- visine see all 88 comments

More Duke Hunter

By Maarten Goldstein, May 02, 2000 3:52am PDT

GeorgeB over at 3D Realms made two posts on the Shack board [post 1] [post 2] , talking some more about the Duke Nukem hunting game that was...


"What I want to see is POKEMON HUNTER! There's a hunting game I'll buy!"

- WarhawK see all 5 comments

Lee Jackson Interview

By Maarten Goldstein, Apr 27, 2000 6:15am PDT

The Stratos Group has an interview with 3D Realms' Lee Jackson. Lee is the music/sound effects guy there, currently of course at work on Duke4.


Duke3D Patch

By Maarten Goldstein, Apr 25, 2000 3:02am PDT

A new patch for Duke Nukem 3D of all games has been released, fixing sound problems for SB Live! users, now for version 1.3d (last week they had...


" Yeah, you have to change some of the stuff in SETUP before launching the game. I believe you ..."

- Moebius see all 11 comments

Max Payne @ E3

By Maarten Goldstein, Apr 21, 2000 4:30am PDT

The 3D Realms website has news that besides a backroom press demo, Remedy's 3rd person game Max Payne will also be shown to general audience in the...


"bwah... I hope it doesn't lag too much. My coumputar is a bit retartad ya know!"

- ad0-q3m see all 3 comments

Where The Industry Is Headed

By Maarten Goldstein, Apr 19, 2000 2:19pm PDT

The Oxygen Tank has a new article, asking developers where the computer gaming industry is heading in the next couple of years. Eric Biessman of...


" You're right.. I can't say I'm really surprised. I'm fairly dissapointed however."

- freshview see all 4 comments

Duke4 And E3

By Maarten Goldstein, Apr 17, 2000 2:08pm PDT

3D Realms daddy GeorgeB posted on the Duke4 forums, saying that despite previous rumors Duke Forever won't be present at E3 in any form or shape....


"I don't care if 3D Realms takes another year to finish up Duke Forever, because we all saw how ..."

- diehlr see all 394 comments

Duke4 News

By Maarten Goldstein, Jan 31, 2000 8:00am PST

Another few posts by George Broussard in various threads. This thread on the official 3D Realms forums has George posting about the various moves...


"Q3A is a great game,but it was shoved out the door prematurely for the Christmas rush. When it ..."

- TheDreamDragon see all 109 comments

Duke4 News

By Maarten Goldstein, Jan 30, 2000 7:13am PST

Noticed two posts by George Broussard on the 3D Realms forums (thread 1, thread 2) answering to questions again about the development time of Duke4...


"#47 Oh no, 3Drealms never hyped anything. Except the E3 video, several magazine covers starts ..."

- baron calamity see all 58 comments

GeorgeB Interview

By Maarten Goldstein, Jan 29, 2000 6:08am PST

Another Planet site has opened it's doors, Planet Duke. To celebrate their opening they have an interview with 3D Realms project leader/shit filter...


CharlieW At Work

By Maarten Goldstein, Jan 21, 2000 4:34am PST

Another Developer at Work shot has popped up on VE, this time showing what 3D Realms level designer Charlie Wiederhold is working on. Nice to-do list.


Duke4 News

By Maarten Goldstein, Jan 03, 2000 10:04am PST

Scott Miller, George Broussard and Charlie Wiederhold all checked on the 3D Realms Duke4 forum this weekend to talk about this upcoming Unreal...


"Yet 3dmark 2000 and other DX 7.0 benchmarks (which use real game engines) show a good speed ..."

- Ominous see all 172 comments

Millennium Gaming

By Maarten Goldstein, Dec 31, 1999 12:44pm PST

Gamespot has a new feature by Geoff Keighley called Millennium Gaming. It asks twenty "gaming visionaries" what they expect of the next...


"#72, I don\'t think that wasn\'t anyone from id. Usually id people have slightly different host ..."

- [Slay] see all 75 comments