Aardvark the Forgetful Editor

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  • Unit name: Seaman
    Civilization/Organization of Origin: Ancient Egypt, third dynasty.

    Offense: Frequent. Berating. Even your family is not safe from the Seaman.
    Defense: Unit can interrupt any attack, question, or comment at any time. Attacks that go through can still be misunderstood, nullifying damage.
    Movement: Fishlike.
    Special Ability: Insulting your gender. Insulting your age. Insulting your education. Insulting your job. Insulting your sexuality. Insulting your father. Insulting your mother. Insulting your children. Accusing you of masturbating twice a day. Insulting your self-image. Insulting your gaming habits. Insulting the English Language. Etc. Etc.
    Special Abilities can only be used once, but there are so many of them, you will probably already be drunk, dead, crying, or arguing with your girlfriend.

    Link to picture:
    Description: During an expedition along the Nile River, scientist Jean-Paul Gasse found extraordinary bone fragments, mutated in the the shape of a human face. These were the first clues which led to the discovery of Seaman, the extraordinary man-fish we all know and love today. He and his kind are a remarkable example of living, thinking creatur.... "Hey! -- When is your birthday??"

    Thread Truncated. Click to see all 3 replies.

    • **BONUS**
      Unit name: Lurker
      Civilization/Organization of Origin: Humanity

      Offense: First attack +100% damage, then gradually returns to normal. However, consecutive posts containing NWS are subject to stacking multipliers.
      Defense: Unit is invulnerable until it makes its first attack. After which, unit suffers -80% defense due to poor social skills and lack of friends.
      Movement: Glued to the screen just like everyone else.
      Special Ability: Prize-jacking.

      Link to picture:
      Description: Widely varied in appearance and origin, the Lurker often hibernates for years at a time. Rightly feared, hordes of lurkers hover over all units in play and as a group they are immortal and omniscient. They spend no time contributing to a collective, and so all time is spent absorbing information- including all of your clever limey memes. Yes, they know everything about you. Even about those things you keep in the bathroom. Lacking the basic motivators for peer-review and validation, they have little incentive to lower their defenses. However, lure them out with awesome prizes featuring images of strong strapping men, and they will come out in droves. Once their attack bonus wears off, they are vulnerable to troll attacks. Once defeated, they will evolve into their next form - Shacknews Commenters.