Weekend Discussion - September 5, 2021

Published , by Sam Chandler

Hey Shacknews, it's time for Weekend Discussion. Let's officially close out our weekend! Please take a look.

A look at Halo: Combat Evolved's level, The Library

I love to see people dissect various aspects of the Halo series, whether it's lore and story, multiplayer maps, or even the flow, pacing, and design of the missions. Though I did have my gripes with The Library originally, I actually grew to love this horrifying mission. It's dark and dank and the Flood are an oppressive force in this mission. It really sells the point that they are not to be trifled with.

New Spider-Man trailer

This next entry in the Spider-Man timeline looks to be pretty dang great. Could we be getting a Willem Defoe as the Green Goblin again? And how about that Doc Ock! I'm really hoping that Tobey makes an appearance at some point - it would be great to see all the Spideys together for a scene.

RKG boys are doing the Bloodborne Chalice Dungeons

Gav, Dan and Rory are back at it again with another instalment of their Retry series. This time, the trio are diving back in to Bloodborne to tackle the Chalice Dungeons. It's pretty great viewing. These fellas have been a staple of mine since Season 1 of Prepare to Try. These lads have since made it on their own quite well. 

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!

Eldritch artwork

This is horrifying. I'd love to see this brought to life in a game, book, or other form of media. So good.

Have some respect for the Spice Girls

Please refer to them by their proper name.

Take the faster route through the vents

If you brush up against something that's not metal, start shootin'.

Look at him go!

I wish he was wearing a helmet, though. Maybe that's why the police want to talk?

Weekend Vibes

What I'm listening to...

Here’s some Shacknews articles from this week

There you have it, Shacknews. Your Weekend Discussion for another beautiful weekend. Please consider subscribing to Shacknews Mercury to support our site for as little as $1/month. 

Have a photo of a happy, twisty Rad to cap off your Sunday.

What are you up to this weekend? Let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below.