Weekend Discussion - August 15, 2021

Published , by Sam Chandler

Hey Shacknews, it's ya boy, Sam Chandler, bringing you my first Weekend Discussion. Dennis White brought WD back yesterday, and now it's my turn to get the party started. So you're all stuck in here with me now. Let's close out our weekend! 

Back 4 Blood Open Beta is still going

The Back 4 Blood open beta is still going, in fact, it will be ending on Monday so there's still time to see what all the fuss is about. Have you managed to jump in and have a bash at this Left 4 Dead successor? The card system certainly adds a new twist to the classic formula. We've hot a helpful guide on the cards you need in your deck ASAP. Grab these in the Supply Lines before you get anything else.

A look at scopes and zooming in Halo

Shyway does a great job at diving into the history and design of the Halo scope/zoom system. For those not in the know, there is no ADSing in Halo, the game just features a magnification system for some weapons. A click of the joystick and you'll instantly be zoomed in a few feet, helping you nail those long-range headshots. However, it also features a de-scope mechanic whereby if you get hit while scoped, you'll be knocked out of the zoom. This is a critical design element that gives Halo one of its distinct combat feels. Anyway, Shyway does a great job at outlining the system and why it works.

Hunt: Showdown is getting new content... maybe?

I've been loving Hunt: Showdown recently. The mixture of PVE and PVP blends really well and results in some truly intense moments. Plus, the cowboy/western themes are great. This latest teaser looks to indicate that the game will be receiving a Native American update? Is this culturally insensitive? Is that a discussion that needs to be had? As a non-US citizen, my opinion on this subject doesn't really count for much but I'm interested to hear your thoughts. Either way, I'm looking forward to more Hunt content.

And now... Other Stuff From The Internet!

Dunkey on video game prices

He makes some cogent points about prices. Also, if video games are art, then surely we should be able to continue to enjoy them even long after they've been taken out of the public eye? 

Back up your files

Don't be silly.

A warning about Hades

Prepare to have your horizons broadened.

Halo theme song

No matter where you hear it, it's always good listening

Weekend Vibes

I tend not to listen to music while I write, as I cannot concentrate. So here's a look at some songs I listen to while I workout. Any recommendations?

Here’s some Shacknews articles from this week

There you have it, Shacknews. Your Weekend Discussion for another beautiful weekend. Please consider subscribing to Shacknews Mercury to support our site for as little as $1/month. 

Here's a photo of Rad having a nice loaf in the sunlight.

What are you up to this weekend? Let us know in the Shacknews Chatty comment thread below.