Evening Reading - January 4, 2021

Published , by Donovan Erskine

It’s January 4, which means a lot of us here in the United States are going back to work. There’s no telling what shenanigans 2021 holds for us, but there’s been no shortage of wackiness and controversy over the past few days. That said, let’s dive into the latest edition of Evening Reading. 

In case you missed it at Shacknews:

And now… Other Stuff From The Internet!!!

What in the world is going on at this Applebees?

Tanya Roberts confirmed dead... and then alive?!

After confirming her death to the press, actress Tanya Roberts' agent shared that she is actually still alive, apologizing for the confusion. 2021 off to a wild start.

I don't have to explain why this is concerning, right?

Surely these robots will only be used for dancing ever, certainly nothing more than that.

See you tomorrow for the next rendition of Evening Reading!