Shacknews Dump - September 4, 2020

Published , by TJ Denzer

How is it possible that everyone could be dumping in some of the hottest corners of the gaming industry and we could be left out here at Shacknews? Correction, we aren’t. We’re bringing those dumps into our dump to make some kind of wacky dumpception on today’s Shacknews Dump.

On this September 4 edition of the Shacknews Dump, we’ve got almost too much to talk about. NVIDIA is changing the future of PC gaming with its RTX 30 series GPUs, or at least making it future proof for likely the next decade. And what a kind price on those puppies. Meanwhile, Nintendo came out of nowhere and let loose with all of the Super Mario you can take. Games, limited-edition products, and wonderful events galore are on the way to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the franchise.

There’s plenty more where that came from as well, so be sure to tune into the Shacknews Dump on the Shacknews Twitch channel at 1:30p.m. PT / 4:30p.m. ET to catch all the hottest news in gaming. You can also catch the show live in the embed below.

Here’s the rundown of we’ll be talking about on the Shacknews Dump today:

As always, we’d like to thank our viewers, followers, and subscribers for tuning in and making projects like today’s Dump possible. Your support and engagement makes each of our endeavors all the more fun. If for some reason, you’re not subscribed to Shacknews on Twitch, but you have an Amazon Prime account, don’t forget that you can link your Amazon Prime and Prime Gaming accounts together to get a free subscription each month. Don’t have Amazon Prime for some reason? You can still subscribe all month long through September through Twitch’s SUBtember event.

Nobody outdumps the Shacknews Dump. Nobody. So tune in as we show Nintendo and NVIDIA how a proper dump is dumped alongside the other hottest gaming topics on today’s show.