All Stories Tagged: GDC 2013, Page 4

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PlayStation 4 UI, social tools detailed

Today at the Game Developers Conference, Sony went into more detail about a host of PlayStation 4 features, including its user interface, social tools, controllers and peripherals.

Nvidia tech demo: destroy everything you touch

Oh, tech demos! So fancy, so shiny, and so unlike any game we'll get to play for years. So come, watch Nvidia's new demo of smashing an amphitheatre to dynamic pieces in real-time, shown at the Game Developers Conference this week, and dream of all the games based upon this which won't get made.

FTL devs on things they would change

FTL: Faster than Light has received quite a bit critical acclaim, from being one of our top games of 2012 to being a finalist for the top game at this year's Independent Games Festival. But developer Subset Games had to cut several features they had seriously talked about adding to maintain the integrity of their vision.

Hello, Meet Lola