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WildStar trailer explains 40v40 PvP Warplots

Carbine Studios has released a new trailer to help further explain the idea of WildStar's 40v40 PvP Warplots. But all you pretty much need to know is that Warplots are like "your favorite food... wrapped in a six-pack of beer... wrapped inside another six-pack of beer." What more do you need?

WildStar trailer showcases branching 'Adventure' instances

Repeating instances in an MMORPG is generally only done to farm them, not for the fun of it, as they're awfully repetitive. WildStar's taking a different approach with its 'Adventures,' a type of instance with branching routes and stories which change how it all plays out. They're can be quite different to regular play too, with types from tower defense to MOBAs.

WildStar's final classes revealed: Medic and Engineer

Carbine's approach with WildStar seems to be carefully observing other MMORPG's exciting bits then building polished versions of them for itself, so its no surprise that its classes don't stray far from the norm. The developer today revealed the final two of WildStar's six classes, the Medic and Engineer, which are your requisite healing and pet classes respectively.

WildStar allows buying subscription time with in-game gold

Carbine's WildStar is an interesting one, seeming not to particularly innovate but refining and bringing together lessons learned from the past decade of MMORPGs. Publisher NCsoft today revealed it'll charge monthly subscription fees, but with a twist picked up from EVE Online: players can buy time cards with in-game gold.

WildStar trailer shows off player housing

We may live in hovels ridden with damp and caked in filth, and so we play video games in the hope of realising our dreams of having carpet (carpet!) and no murders. If you buy into the whole "video games are wish-fulfilment" thing, anyway. A new WildStar trailer shows off the MMORPG's awfully fancy customisable player housing, with all the customisation we wretches could hope for.

Hello, Meet Lola