Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 17 wows
    By: [deleted] 482044032
  • 17 wows
    By: mlev
    Oh holy shit.

    About an hour ago, there was a massive “boom” and our whole house shook. Knocked a couple things off the walls and such.

    Turns out a house about 1/4 mile away exploded. Like... EXPLODED. Initial guesses are gas leak.

    We’re all fine. Scared the shit out of us. Kelsey came running out of the office crying.

    Went outside and everyone in the neighborhood was out wondering wtf. Big plume of smoke.

    I heard on my handheld (dispatch freq) that they needed 2 ambulances minimum, and a friend who works at the local hospital said they heard 1 fatality.
  • 16 wows
    By: Masem
    CRISPR able to strip HIV genes out of cells, potentially opening route to eliminating AIDS
  • 16 wows
    By: TickHeadDog
    This is nuts. My sister's car is in the shop at the dealership and they gave her a loaner to drive this morning. Brand new 2023 Bronco Sport with 16 miles on it.

    She got four miles down the road and it throws a temp warning. A few seconds later she smells gas, A LOT OF GAS. Before she can even pull over the whole engine bay explodes into flames, blowing the hood off.

    She's ok, but holy crap WTF? Guessing no coolant at all caused the overheat and melted a fuel line?
  • 16 wows
    By: jayacheess
    I've been dealing with on and off rib and shoulder pain over the last few weeks. I initially thought it was a workout injury, but it migrated last week from my right to my left side.

    It also seemed to get better and then get worse again, randomly.

    Last night, it got painful again after I thought it was getting better, and I decided to finally go into the hospital.

    After 4 hours, blood tests, 1 ecg, 1 chest x-ray, another blood test, and a CT scan, I've been diagnosed with pulmonary embolism in both lungs. Two separate small blood clots.

    All my other vitals were perfect, including my oxygen at 98%, - so it hasn't affected my breathing.

    I'm heading in to see a hemotologist tomorrow to talk about longer-term treatment and to diagnose why the clotting is happening. My first guess is maybe covid or long covid related fallout.
  • 16 wows
    By: Milleh
    Gotta love these power bills
  • 16 wows
    By: GodZilly
    You tell me 😈
  • 16 wows
    By: judge
    I called my dad the other day, and he was in the middle of installing automatic locks on their doors at church and a new camera system.

    Their congregation of 50 people, in a town of 8000 in rural Kansas, is so convinced someone is going to come shoot up their church because they are christians and there is a war on christianity by the left.

    That's where we are, this country is so fucked
  • 16 wows
    By: johnhead
    I am still trying to process this. As I left the Symphony/Haken concert last night, I took the Red Line (Chicago Elevated train otherwise known as the L) back to where my car was parked near my office downtown. I was hungry, it was 10:30, so I got off at the Chicago and State exit to go to the McDonald's that I thought was open until 11 pm. It's right next to Holy Name Cathedral, the seat of the Chicago Roman Catholic Church. In an area we call the Gold Coast and right near River North. This area is 3 blocks from the Water Tower Place Mall, Michigan Ave, and it near a whole slew of shopping, restaurants, and upscale apartments and condos.

    As I was about to get on the escalator to get me to street level, this happened:

    As you can imagine, mayhem activated. People running everywhere. Screaming. I didn't know at the time, but the shooter fled down into the subway area - I turned around and got my ass back down to the trains and got on one going towards the loop and my car. Sounds like I was on one of the last trains going through the area as they shut down the entire red line for a few hours.

    I know this is a political issue, but this is the second shooting in the tourist area of downtown Chicago in a week. It's being blamed on young people, using social media to find points to gather, and then getting into fights and/or doing mass smash and grabs. I don't know if the blame is accurate, but I am not ashamed to admit I thought I had to change my underwear when I finally got to my car.

    The reaction to this is going to be heavy police presence in the area (which is already heavy in police after the retail damage of 2020) and curfews. I don't know if that will help.

    Saying a prayer of thanks that I am ok this morning and for those injured and dead. And wondering what I can do to get more involved in finding solutions to the problems Chicago has like this.
  • 16 wows
    By: [deleted] 1016213306