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Late Night Consoling

By Alec Matias, Jan 20, 2005 8:00pm PST

Another day, another acquisition taking place and another huge sales figure. 6.4 million copies sold in just ten weeks of release is phenomenal. It...


"Read closely. It seems to indicate both characters exist on both platforms, just one is unlocked ..."

- Fayk see all 56 comments

Late Night Consoling

By Alec Matias, Oct 26, 2004 8:00pm PDT

So we all know this week definitely belongs to Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, but as sites begin to wane in their GTA:SA coverage and put out...


"Because the simulation wouldn't be complete until Nintendo develops the "evil scratching claws" ..."

- SiW73 see all 56 comments

Late Night Consoling

By Alec Matias, Oct 25, 2004 7:24pm PDT

Hmm, I have this nagging feeling that something significant happened today. Such as the release of a much anticipated title? Oh, my god! How could...


"The NDA expired at 12am EST last night, so those of us who DID get to pre-play and then play ..."

- zepultura see all 107 comments

Late Night Consoling

By Alec Matias, Sep 22, 2004 8:00pm PDT

Here comes that whirlwind of activity I alluded to earlier in the week, such as tonight we see some of the first hands-on and gameplay videos of...


"Breeding and sex are 2 totaly diffrent things. Like I said this is all with guidelines and ..."

- Backspace see all 43 comments

Work @ Vicarious Visions

By Maarten Goldstein, May 01, 2004 10:57am PDT

And another employement opportunity, as Vicarious Visions is hiring. As noted on this page, the company is looking for a level designer with...


Late Night Consoling

By jason bergman, Mar 09, 2004 8:00pm PST

While I'm certainly not going to be picking up any games for a while (not because I've sworn them off, but simply because I'm much too backed up...


Late Night Consoling

By jason bergman, Nov 11, 2003 8:00pm PST

So I heard from Rockstar Games today, and it looks like I'm going to get to swing by their swanky SoHo office on Friday to get a hands-on look at...


Late Night Consoling

By jason bergman, Aug 08, 2003 8:00pm PDT

The big news of the last 48 hours has been Nintendo, Nintendo, Nintendo...yesterday morning the company held a press conference where they made a...


Late Night Consoling

By jason bergman, Dec 06, 2002 8:30pm PST

So right after I post an editorial bitching about Sega's flat re-releases, it comes out that most, if not all of them, will actually be getting...


"Mario GTA is never gonna happen. The sad thing is that Miyamoto is clueless as to what the draw ..."

- digital leaf see all 83 comments