PlayStation Move News


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PlayStation Move Media Bonanza: SOCOM 4, Sports Champions, The Shoot, Party and More

By Chris Faylor, Mar 10, 2010 5:34pm PST

Having just blown the lid off the PlayStation Move (a.k.a PlayStation 3 Motion Controller) and its Sub-Controller, Sony has now unleashed a...


"And so you prove my point. Total resistance to change even if it would benefit the experience as ..."

- CurbDog see all 34 comments

PS3 Motion Controller Dubbed PlayStation Move; Starter Kit Under $100, Games Detailed

By Chris Faylor, Mar 10, 2010 4:08pm PST

Sony's upcoming wand-shaped PlayStation 3 motion controller, previously know as the "PlayStation Motion Controller," is now officially titled the...


"Oh sweet I've been waiting for some good 3rd party Wiimotes that I don't have to pay a game's ..."

- Skillmore see all 67 comments