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  • [Review] Nier --> [ Xbox 360 - PS3 ] - Square Soft Enix - action RPG for the ages on a new strain of ball sack rash?

    Well what can i say I was really anticipating this game. Been cold turkey off the FF13 wagon for a while and had the taste for a similar environment but full action rpg. Would Nier be the drop that I have been waiting for after endless mobs?

    Find out in the [ in reply ]

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    • Song for the review (sorry could not find the youtube version) --> ** just move down a bit there is a music player pick song --> [ Through Tomorrow ] This is one of my top 5 metal songs if only Nier had such epic music :( God I love this song \m/ \m/

      Right action rpg, blood, seems to have some tougher looking main char and interesting spells and environments.

      Seemed like Square had a new IP that had all the makings of future squeals written all over it, or did.

      Took my game box and game it a god luck rub like a genie bottle and popped it into my 360.

      WTF some really weird intro stuff black screen some chick dropping f bombs? Ok what ever proceeded to play.

      The tutorial is really weird like a Serious Sam wave on wave of mobs and you lvl up like the server of a mmo has been hacked and you XP acceleration is through the roof. Basically you get allot of the spells int he game and learn your combat and even fight a boss.

      At the end and during I was like where do I go what am I suppose to do it feels really weird.

      Any ways, finished that and played the main game. I only survived around + hours playing this game. I have to say I wanted to keep playing yet I have never been soo irritated with gameplay and most importantly the music in game and the way the game run FPS.

      I don't know wtf the devs where on but the music will drive you insane, I had to play the other two hour with the music off. Next the game runs at like 60 fps or faster, seems like they have accelerated the game like its on speed and you will get sick from it.

      All those things aside the game feels a bit like Zelda and maybe ICO Shadow of the Colossus it has a very cool environment and feel to it. The only thing is allot of times the graphics feel like the environments are way too basic in sacrifice for this insanely mental game speed.

      The game has shit loads of blood and killing goats and other farm animals seem sorta odd when you are just hacking the shit out of them for a quest. And quest this game has almost a mmo feel to it, I think this game could be really long if you can tolerate it.

      Right things I liked dis liked:


      - Interesting magic spells look cool
      - every weapon has a charge up special move
      - doge and block ability
      - you can jump
      - there is a combo system but nothing like Dante's Inferno basically you just mash button
      - You can buy weapons
      - Allot of gathering and making things
      - Runes for augmenting spells and weapons
      - Quest quest quest there are allot
      - Blood allot of it
      - Large landscapes
      - Cool enemies good design
      - Combat works well, hack and slash
      - Had some cool cinematic sequences
      - A cool boss fight
      - I really didn't like this game...

      Did not like:

      - The Music I hated and it drove me nutz could not listen to it.
      - Allot of the environments feel empty not impressive graphics either
      - gameplay is boring and at times excruciating, "no please do make me kill again"
      - Magic is cool and is maybe the biggest reward early on but then it feels like an old 90 arcade shooter where all you do is repeat the same move.
      - The games speed is insanely fast to the point it makes me sick and feels like my guy is on 24/7 adrenaline its really messed up and makes puzzle solving and precision jumps extremely mental
      - The whole quest system some times was a pain and the overall experience was not organic
      - Sometimes the game felt lost and unfinished like where am I what am I doing, or dead just weird.
      - The dislikes eclipsed the likes, negative = win

      What a weird game, I do believe with the main character and world had the basis of a cool new IP. If only the gameplay ripped off Dante's Inferno for instance and just slowed it down a bit the game would of be so much better in terms of hack and slash. As well if they had filled the world up a bit more ditched the FPS and polished it up it could of a game to remember.

      Bottom line:

      While playing I felt like Vickus in District 9 when they have him tied up trying the alien weapons and he says "no please don't make kill the prawn..." the whole game for some reason just feels fucked up?? Yet a bit of you is like I should slug out an hour more and see what happens.

      Nier is like a twisted physiological experiment... I have to sell it today or I know I will want to still give it a chance. They will never catch me... Nier is the freeking Lord of the Rings... my precious but its just not cool yet it calls to me still WTF?

      Well thats that, you may want to rent it but do your self a favor do not buy the game its just strange, or maybe its just me?

      Any one feel the same way?

      I am out later \m/ I hope 3D Dot Game Heroes is better...