Aardvark the Forgetful Editor

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  • I was born next to an inherited Commodore Vic-20 with loads (about 30+) of cartridges and tapes. I think I picked it up and started playing when I was 2 or 3 (this would be 1984 or 1985) with my older brother's guidance. The first one I can remember playing was Clowns - whole bunch of balloons in rows at the top, a see-saw at the bottom and two clowns on either end. You controlled the see-saw with a paddle controller. You launched the clown upwards to pop balloons, then "caught" the clown on the end of the see-saw which then launched the other one up. Repeat until you screw up or move to the next level.

    There were loads of other games I remember playing for it - the five original Scott Adams Grand Adventure Games ( I even had the solution to Pirate's Cove memorised! Adventureland always screwed us up when we got to the "bee corridor" though. We never figured that out. The others ... I don't remember The Count or Voodoo Castle clearly, it was probably too much for my mind to handle at that age. But I do remember being scared that the bomb in Mission Impossible would blow up on the next turn whenever I typed anything in. Other games ... I remember playing Vic Avenger (your bog standard Space Invaders clone), Money Wars, RIP, Rockman, Omega Race (if you didn't enjoy this game something was wrong with you) and a handful of others that I can't remember.

    This wonderful machine successfully contributed to my anti-social and delinquent youth. I'm sure as hell not complaining though.

    We gave it away to a family friend in the late 80's. They don't have it anymore. I wish I still had that thing. So many fond memories.

    Then our 386 PC came in 1990. The first thing we got running was Zork and we wondered "this is an awesome machine, so where the hell are the graphics?"

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