Aardvark the Forgetful Editor

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  • Earliest gaming moment for me... ever: It must have been the mid 70's or so as I believe I was 3 or 4 years old. My parents and I were at a BBQ or some event... but all I remember were the two paddles and the "boop" and "beep" sounds. 'Pong' was introduced into my life, and what a joyous time I had attempting to keep that damn "ball" from getting passed me!

    I also have horrid memories of our first computer, a Commodore64 (or was it Vic 20.. whichever came first). We had a subscription to computer magazines that included the code for programs and games (written in BASIC). All you had to do was type in all those lines, type "RUN" and wala! Instant game! However, this was pre floppy drive, so all we had was the tape drive which was very unreliable. There was some damn game that I loved, and I must have spent at least 2 or 3 hours each time I wanted to play typing in the program. We also had the adventure text game cartridges that plugged into the back of the computer... but dammit I always got bit by the vampire. Two words for commands just weren't enough.

    OMG, then there was Zork, the Atari 2600, the Coleco console (Burgertime bitches!) with the pads that had 9 or 12 buttons (like a phone)... and on and on and on.