No Man's Sky's economy targeted to be 'understandable' due to game's massive scale

Hello Games' co-founder Sean Murray has revealed details surrounding No Man's Sky's economy.


Hello Games’ co-founder Sean Murray has revealed how the economy in No Man’s Sky will work as players will be able to gather and sell materials, craft items from materials, and more.

In an interview with IGN, Murray says Hello Games wants trading in No Man’s Sky to be fun. “We want it to be understandable, because already the game’s already quite large,” he says. The way this will be done is keeping things relatively simple as explorers will need to acquire resources from planets they visits. Once they’ve collected resources, they can either be sold at planet-based trading posts or space stations in orbit or they can use these resources to craft more valuable products, which then can be sold.

Another way explorers can make in-game currency is by taking a particular element to another part of the universe where it’s scarce. Since that material isn’t in wide supply, it will be more earn the player more for selling it in these locations. Other players can share information regarding the planets they’ve visited, with one shareable piece of info being what elements are in high supply within a certain region.

No Man’s Sky also gives players the option of being a simple explorer that can access resources collected by other players when visiting orbiting space stations. Either way you decide to play No Man's Sky, it's good to know Hello Games is giving players the option to play exactly how they want.

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