Assassin's Creed Identity announced as free-to-play iOS game

Yet another Assassin's Creed game has been announced this year. This time, it's a free-to-play iOS game set during the Italian Renaissance.


Think you’ve got your hands full with Assassin’s Creed this year with the upcoming release of Assassin’s Creed Unity and Assassin’s Creed: Rogue? Then prepare for your hands to completely overflow now that Ubisoft has announced Assassin’s Creed Identity.

Assassin’s Creed Identity is a new free-to-play iOS game which includes microtransactions, but it looks as though they’re limited to character customizations and various items. Players will be able to choose from three different character classes as they fight through a number of randomly generated missions that are based on 16 different objective types.

Identity takes place during the Italian Renaissance across Rome’s colosseum, Florence and other iconic Italian locations. Missions won’t take long to complete as the game has been tailored around mobile platforms as you control your character through the use of either on-screen virtual analog sticks or tap-to-move commands.

Those who have an iOS 7 device, including an iPad 3 or iPhone 5, will be able to play Identity when it’s released on iOS. The game is already available in Australia, so we don’t expect the wait to be too long.

Senior Editor
From The Chatty
  • reply
    September 30, 2014 1:20 PM

    Daniel Perez posted a new article, Assassin's Creed Identity announced as free-to-play iOS game.

    Yet another Assassin's Creed game has been announced this year. This time, it's a free-to-play iOS game set during the Italian Renaissance.

    • reply
      September 30, 2014 3:54 PM

      Got to the word "microtransactions" and just stopped reading. ugh

      • reply
        October 1, 2014 5:59 AM

        That's a reasonable response, though the next sentence says they are just for cosmetics... it's too bad no one wan's to you pay for games on mobile and that pushed developers to go free to play. It's making for bad game design. Games cost money to make and we need to stop demanding them for free and start being ready to pay for quality... or maybe I just think that because I'm a developer ;)

        • reply
          October 1, 2014 6:55 AM

          I don't mind paying. I mind paying when it turns out to be not worth my money, and there was no demo. :)

        • reply
          October 1, 2014 8:29 AM

          Blame the iPhone crowd for that. They got so enamored with free and 99 cent apps. That wrecked the industry.

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