Late Night Consoling

Thanks for the (mostly) warm welcome, guys. Movies I clearly need to finally see include: Remo Williams. Sorry this update is a bit late, but I am still finishing up an entirely separate full-time job and am completely exhausted approximately 100% of the day. Anyway, I was hoping to consult Steve or something about exactly when I should post this or something, but he seems to be nowhere to be found. I'm lost and confused. But hey, here's some news!

  • Legally Downloadable PSP Movies--In Japan


    According to a translated press release, Sony will as of tomorrow operate a downloadable movie service for its PSP console, beginning the service concurrently with the release of its version 2.00 firmware. The web browser provided with the update will allow PSP owners to access the service, which will only offer a limited selection of free video content at launch but will eventually comprise a larger selection of both free and paid movies, trailers, and shows. Apparently, paid content will be protected and can only be kept on Memory Sticks (ha ha, good one Sony), while free content will be transferable to other sources, such as a PC. Video will be encoded in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC, the PSP's newly supported format. Though Sony did not indicate whether such a service would reach North American or European shores, it seems a bit unlikely. UMD movies already sell far better in North America than they do in Japan, making the incentive of easily-downloadable films less necessary in this market.

  • Majesco News That is Not Dismal

    [gba] [ds]

    Despite nightmarish legal and fiscal troubles in recent months, publisher Majesco is pushing on with their unique Game Boy Advance Video brand. The product line, which plays full video and audio on the GBA using standard-size cartidges, has in the past been used only for episodes of animated kids' TV shows. However, today the company annouced a deal with film studio DreamWorks SKG which secures the rights for Majesco to publish animated DreamWorks films on the GBA, addressing a common complaint of the line that available titles lacked replay value. The first films to be made available will be Shark Tale, Shrek, and Shrek 2 this October at a $19.99 price point.

  • Viewtiful Joes Named

    [gamecube] [psp] [ds]

    Capcom has revealed the final names of the various upcoming versions of Viewtiful Joe. The one due for GameCube and PSP, previously known as Viewtiful Joe: VFX Battle or the exquisite Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Man depending on who you might ask, will be entitled Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble. In addition to the obvious 3D-on-a-2D-plane side-scrolling action, the game will include a vs. battle mode. The DS version of the game, formerly and appropriately known as Viewtiful Joe DS, will be called Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble. Double Trouble makes use of the touch screen and dual screen features to various effects, most interestingly to slice the bottom of the screen in half and slide the two halves around (I've played it, it works quite well). All three releases are expected by the end of the year.

  • Resident Evil 5 Possible Not Not on Revolution

    [ps2] [xbox] [nintendo]

    Apparently Nintendo is not ready to give up Resident Evil (known in Japan as Biohazard), following RE4's stunning presentation on the GameCube. Rumor has it that Nintendo of America is hopeful for a release on the company's Revolution as well. It's a definite possibility, considering the series' long-time association with Nintendo. It is also important to note that, contrary to the wording of many news reports on the subject, Capcom's original press release announcing RE5 on Xbox 360 and PS3 did not in fact mention Revolution, either in a positive or negative context.

  • American Idol in Development For Current- and Next-Gen Systems

    [ps2] [xbox] [gamecube]

    Who cares?

  • Misc. Q&As/Features

    David Tolin has posted the second part of his Diary of an Aging Gamer, this one called Generation Lost. He reflects on the general decline in focus on kids in gaming these days, and it's worth having a read if you grew up a gamer from a young age (and if you didn't, it's a good article for another perspective I suppose). Speaking for myself, I have little regard for what kind of demographic a game is intended for; I'll play anything, E to M, so I sometimes forget that the market has changed so much. Working the other job I currently have (though will not have for much longer), which is in a gaming retail store, is always a sharp reminder...

Misc. Media/Previews

So I'm adding these retroactively, sorry about that. I figured it was better to get LNC up sort-of-on-time rather than delay it until I could round up these previews.

1UP has a brief preview of Tecmo's Trapt.


Team Xbox previews Neversoft's Gun (X360, also PC, PS2, Xbox, GCN, PSP). 1UP is also showing a new trailer for Project Gotham Racing 3 (X360).


GameSpy previews Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix (following Donkey Konga's lead, the game includes the dance pad).


GameSpy has secured new screens of Nintendogs (DS) (I admit it, I really want that game, ok!?), and IGN has some new shots of Sega's Sonic Rush (DS).


IGN takes a look at Rockstar's adaptation (PS2, Xbox) of the 1979 gang film The Warriors, as well as Traveller's Tales' adaptation of Disney's adaptation of C. S. Lewis' adaptation The Chronicles of Narnia (PS2, Xbox, GCN, PC). GameSpy also previews Midway's LA Rush (PS2, Xbox).

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