DOOM Movie Interview


Over at Ain't It Cool News you can find an interview with Karl Urban, who plays the role of John Grimm in the upcoming DOOM movie. Topics include the Mars setting, Hell, favorite creatures to shoot and the first person sequence.

QUINT: If you had to focus on one thing that you do in the movie that'll appeal to the gamers the most, what would it be? KARL URBAN: Definitely First-Person-Shooter. But if I was to expand on that, I think that the fans are going to be relieved to see that aesthetically the look and feel of the film is an honorable one, true to the original material and the film is just dark! I've never seen a film quite like it. I've never seen a film quite like it. It's actually really fucking dark. And it's tense. It's just a trip. It's a ride.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    July 23, 2005 5:51 AM

    He's never seen a film quite like it.

    • reply
      July 23, 2005 5:57 AM

      Don't you mean He's never seen a film quite like it. He's never seen a film quite like it?

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