PAX East 2018: Black Oni Exclusive Interview: The Road To Livestreaming

Livestreaming as a career is not an easy goal to achieve, but Black Oni looks like he has the creativity and drive to make a go for it. We sat down with him at PAX East 2018 to get some pointers. 


Black Oni has been working on building his livestreaming empire for the last couple of years and has a very prolific and varied set of skills. Not only is he a gamer interested in an eclectic smattering of game genres, he's also an accomplished artist and podcaster. Most recently he was one of several broadcasters of color highlighted by Twitch during Black History Month. With PAX East 2018 in full motion last week in his hometown of Boston, MA Shacknews had a chance to catch up with him and talk shop. 

Black Oni sat down with our very own Asif Khan and Charles Singletary to talk about his career as a streamer and his passion as an artist. The conversation also delves into the recent controversies surrounding derogatory content on Twitch and how the site's new code of conduct addresses the issue as well as what it's like being a gamer of color in a culture where players and streamers alike seem all too comfortable blurting out racial epithets. While the subject matter gets a little heavy at times, overall it's a very friendly, laid-back chat between three very passionate gamers. Be sure to check out the full interview below.

You can catch Black Oni every week on his Twitch channel, which is also where you can find his broadcast schedule. Be sure to keep up with him there to find out when his new comic book will be hitting Kickstarter. 

If you want to catch exclusive interviews like this one as they happen at events like PAX and E3, be sure to subscribe to the Shacknews Twitch channel as well. 

Events Coordinator

Blake has been writing and making videos about pop-culture and games for over 10 years now. Although he'd probably prefer you thought of him as a musician and listened to his band, If you see him on the street, buy him a taco or something. Follow him on twitter @ProfRobot

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