Port-a-Fort Grenade Pops Up A Shelter Instantly in Fortnite

Epic Games has a new grenade for Fortnite that allows players to instantaneously spawn a defensive shelter.


Players opening up popular multiplayer game Fortnite have likely noticed the game's New Updates bulletin system, where users can get a sneak peek at some of the game's hottest incoming features. It's the easiest way to stay fresh on pertinent changes, and among the updates currently featured on the bulletin is the introduction of Port-a-Forts, new Fortnite grenades that "[sprout] a quick defensive position upon impact."

Fortnite developer Epic Games has a history of putting some pretty crazy weapons into the game, and from what we can see so far, Port-a-Fort grenades sit right near the top of that list. Fortunately in this case, the new grenades do provide some obvious benefits, especially for fighters who haven't yet mastered the game's various building mechanics. Players can get a taste for what these grenades bring to the table in the Port-a-Fort teaser video featured above.

It's also worth noting that the Port-a-Fort grenade description states that forts are sprouted "upon impact." Unlike other trap-based items, this may mean that Port-a-Fort grenades could potentially be used in surprising ways, like perhaps catapulting enemy players into the sky or even disrupting other buildings and fortifications.

For now, it looks like Fortnite players can expect to see the Port-a-Fort grenade go live in-game between tomorrow and Thursday, April 12. We say "for now' because sometimes Fortnite weapon releases don't always work out in the way the developers expect, and besides, something as bonkers as a fortress-spawning grenade may bring with it an all-new set of design and implementation challenges.

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Kevin Tucker is a core component of Shacknews' powerful guide development team. For questions, concerns, tips, or to share constructive criticism, he can be reached on Twitter @dukeofgnar or through e-mail at kevin.tucker@shacknews.com.

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