ShackStream: Big Team Building in Splatoon 3 - Episode 33

Published , by Sam Chandler

We’ve been thoroughly enjoying a bit of Splatoon 3 action around these parts. We’ve had so much fun slinging paint and claiming victory that we thought the game deserves another entry in the Big Team Building ShackStream. Why don’t you come and join us on today’s livestream as we go live at 4:00 p.m. PT / 7:00 p.m. ET.

The September 22 entry of Big Team Building is scheduled to go live at 4:00 p.m. PT / 7:00 p.m. ET. The livestream will go for about two hours, giving the team plenty of opportunity to get into matches, fight for victory, and hopefully walk away with some new unlocks. Tune in using the video embed above or by heading to the Shacknews Twitch channel.

While we chatter, splat the turf, and generally have a good time getting better at the game, take a moment to follow the channel. By clicking that purple follow button you’ll be notified whenever we go live – which we do at least once a day and sometimes even on the weekend. You can support Shacknews further by subscribing to the channel. For those with Amazon Prime, link it to Twitch to get a free monthly sub you can send our way.

For more information on Splatoon 3, be sure to check out our Splatoon 3 page. We’ve got some helpful guides to assist in your pursuit to level up Salmon Run, unlock new weapons, and everything else!