Weekend Discussion - February 19, 2022

Published , by Dennis White

The month is moving fast! There's been plenty of hype and gaming news recently and we always have you covered here at Shacknews. Let's hop into a new Weekend Discussion! 

In case you missed it...

Horizon Forbidden West just dropped yesterday and is an early Game of the Year contender. Donovan certainly had some fun with it on stream. You can also check out our full review for the game here.

There's a Capcom clock ticking down right now and we will know what the big reveal is by Monday but the guys had a few ideas during this week's episode of The Dump.

We also had a guest on Wide World of Electronic Sports this week. Technicals joined the show and talked about how he he create's content and whether members of the Smash scene should be allowed to redeem themselves. check out the full interview here.

And now...The Internet

Horizon Forbidden West is making waves with it's release and getting high praise. It is pretty awesome seeing folks across industries show the game love, especially for performances. I hope that more respect is given to voice actors as the technology and stories being told continue to expand. 

SIFU has some cool and stylish action and who's more stylish than The Boogeyman, John Wick? Well there's already some interesting mods for the game and Keanu is looking pretty good while throwing hands. 

Did you all enjoy the Super Bowl? The Halftime Show was one for the ages. And the memes were flowing! 

Valentine's Day also happened this week and I think a kitty may have been a perfect companion! Maybe next year.

One thing that is always true in life is that kids can play with just about anything. I'm curious what the mixup mindgames are like in this fighting game! 

A Kirby horror movie would actually be terrifying. If our favorite pink puff ball ever turned on us, I don't think we would stand a chance. 

The accuracy on display in this image is incredible. Reminds me of opening up a comic book and seeing some wild Sega Dreamcast ad.

This Doomslayer cosplay is simply too badass to not show her some love. Drop her a follow. 

I can confirm that the knee up does make a difference. I am calling the position Sagat Sleep from now on.

This cat eats like a total boss. Clearly he owns that bowl and is comfortable showing it. We love to see some of this kinda cuteness on Shackpets by the way. 

Part 1. 

Part 2. 

I love to end  this segment on some wholesome content when I can and this was really sweet. Hope to find that kinda love one day! 

Weekend Vibes

I like when artists embrace the season. Also good to see Big Sean back on the collabs. This is definitely going to be a radio hit but there's some heart to it as well. New York getting a few wins this week on the music side. Almost makes up for how terrible the Knicks have been lately. Ok, let me chill haha!

I'm new to the Bree Runway train but the Afrobeat jams are really doing it for me and she knows how to make dynamic video. 

Getting Alicia Keys to drop a chorus on your NY track is no small feat. Lots of energy on this joint and a volatile Kanye. Take a listen.

We are eating good this week with a new track from Tinashe that surprised me a bit. It starts with some Little Bo Peep vibes and ends with a homage to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 

Thanks for joining me for this week's Weekend Discussion. A always, consider showing us some support on Mercury! See you next week for a special edition of Weekend Discussion for Black History Month!