All Goats of Warding - Resident Evil Village

Published , by Sam Chandler

Hidden around Resident Evil Village are Goats of Warding. These little wooden goats are offerings to Mother Miranda to appease her, but you don’t care about that, you want to smash them all. Luckily for you, we’ve got the Goats of Warding locations all sorted out.

This guide will continue to be updated as we discover more Goats of Warding.

Goats of Warding

There are 20 Goats of Warding to find in Resident Evil Village. While some of them are right in your face and easy to locate, some are tucked away in corners or up high out of your line of sight. One strategy to help find them is that they make a little clacking noise as they nod their head – so keep an ear out for that.

Goat of Warding – Graveyard, Village

The first Goat of Warding is found near the Maiden of War statue shortly after you arrive in the village. After following the old crone and having her shut the red gate, follow the path up the hill, pass the Maiden of War statue, and then look to the eastern side to see a little shrine. The Goat of Warding is sitting inside.

Goat of Warding – Church, Village

While you’re in the Graveyard area, go up to the Church and look on the roof to spot another Goat of Warding.

Goat of Warding – Hall of Ablution, Castle Dimitrescu

Immediately after the Hall of Ablution puzzle in Castle Dimitrescu, go down the stairs and then the ladder. As you reach the bottom, you will hear the goat clicking – it’s right across from the ladder.

Goat of Warding – Attic, Castle Dimitrescu

Found in the Attic after solving the five bell puzzle in the Atelier. Climb the ladder and turn around to spot the goat on a box.

Goat of Warding – Lone Road, Village

Another Goat of Warding is found after you escape Castle Dimitrescu. Continue past the ceremony site and down the stairs towards the wooden bridge at the Lone Road. Look to your left to see a raised drawbridge and a set of stairs. Go down the stairs and turn around to find the goat in a little room on the ground. This is also the way to find the Finest Fish.

Goat of Warding – West Old Town, Village

Another goat is found in the West Old Town part of the Village, behind a gate with a lock on it and a note stating the house is abandoned. Smash the lock with a knife and go between the two buildings to spot the goat on a little wood shed.

Goat of Warding – House Beneviento

This Goat of Warding is found outside of House Beneviento. Instead of going inside the house, wrap around the left and go down to the small garden overlooking the waterfall. The goat is on the other side of the iron fence.

Goat of Warding – Drowned Houses

To find this Goat of Warding requires access to the Drowned Houses area of Resident Evil Village, the dam in the south. As you reach the first windmill with the crank, continue around the balcony to spot the goat on the tracks near some logs and metal plates.

Goat of Warding – Behind Church, Village

This goat is found in the Graveyard area of the village, behind the church, among the crypts. Use the Iron Insignia Key to unlock the door and then go right to spot the goat on the ground.

Goat of Warding – Otto’s Mill

Another goat is found below Otto’s Mill, an area only accessible after you have the Six-Winged Unborn Key. Instead of going into the cave to follow Heisenberg’s signs, go left to reach Otto’s Mill. Go into the water and walk below the building to find the goat in another shrine.

Goat of Warding – Stronghold

This Goat of Warding is inside the Stronghold, an area to the north-east of the map that is only accessible with the Six-Winged Unborn Key. After you fight your way through the internal den and use the zipline, go into the circular room and down the stairs. At the bottom is a well of water, with the goat on the ledge beside a bucket.

Goat of Warding – Ventilation Duct, Heisenberg’s Factory

A goat can be found in the Ventilation Duct of Heisenberg’s Factory. After the massive fan blasts pasts Ethan, turn around and follow where the fan went. The goat is up against a metal inclined that leads to the Grinder Shaft.

Goat of Warding – Cargo Bay, Heisenberg’s Factory

Another goat can be found just before the Cargo Bay area in Heisenberg’s Factory. Before opening the door into the Cargo Bay, look for a small air duct in the wall. Crawl through it to find a small room with some resources and ammo, as well as the goat on a barrel.

Finding all of the Goats of Warding is going to take some time, and a keen ear. However, destroying all the Goats of Warding will reward you with a nice Resident Evil Village Achievement or Trophy, depending on the platform you’re playing, so it’s worth doing. Make sure you stop by the Shacknews Resident Evil Village page for more item location guides.