Fortnite Joy Ride update will bring new vehicles to Fortnite this week

Published , by TJ Denzer

Ever since Fortnite first introduced the silly shopping carts to the game, players have begged Epic Games to do more with automobiles in the battle royale. It’s been a slow trickle hitting pretty much anything but your standard car, including boats, helicopters, and even high-powered hamster balls to name a few, but a new Joy Ride update coming this week will finally be bringing new vehicles to Fortnite at long last.

Epic Games has been teasing the Fortnite Joy Ride update for a little bit now via the Fortnite Twitter. Coming on August 5, 2020 likely to all available platforms, players can expect to see new drivable cars and other vehicles coming to the game. This currently includes what looks like a sports car in the form of the Whiplash and a burly-looking semi-truck called the Mudflap. It’s unknown if the update will feature more vehicles, but these two definitely cover the focuses of speed and power respectively and should provide players with interesting new ways to engage or escape situations. That, or they’ll make for some good fodder for rocket launchers, hailstorms of gunfire, and opportunistic snipers looking to pick you off in the cabin for a Twitch clip moment.

Where Whiplash shows off speed in the form of a sleek sports car, Mudflap is the power end of the spectrum as a big semi-truck in Fortnite Joy Ride.

Vehicles are by no means new to Fortnite. Players may remember back in 2018 when shopping carts allowed them to roll through the fields on buggy paths of destruction - their own or that of others. There have also been hamster balls, helicopters, and, most prominently in Fortnite’s watery updates, boats. Of course, on the darker, less successful side of things, players may also have nightmares about the B.R.U.T.E. mechs that once terrorized the battlefield before being nerfed and eventually spawning a demand to be removed from the game.

We can probably (or perhaps hopefully) expect that lessons have been learned through Epic Games’ years of testing. It would be nice if the new vehicles aren't too broken when they arrive. Just as well, we can’t wait to get driving in Fortnite Joy Ride on August 5.