Games for Carers program is donating 85,000 video games to UK NHS workers

Published , by TJ Denzer

There’s absolutely no doubt that during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, some of the bravest and most incredible people have been those working in healthcare. Doctors, nurses, technicians, and more are giving it their all to give relief to those who need it during this time. In recognition of this, the UK games industry is coming together to give back to their healthcare providers with the Games for Carers program, which is donating around 85,000 games to NHS workers.

The Games for Carers program was announced on via a giveaway website on April 29, 2020. Several publishers in the UK games industry came together to donate over around 85,000 games to the cause. The site seems to be having trouble at the moment, but once it’s back online, NHS workers can go there to sign up and receive a free game via the Games for Carers program. As it’s NHS (UK National Health Service), this seems to be a UK-specific program for the time being. You can check out further details in the video below.

It’s a nice thing to say the least. There have been plenty of programs, free games, and deals to help players stay inside, including free trials of XCOM 2 by 2K, Total War: Shogun 2 to keep by Creative Assembly, free weeks of Street Fighter 5 by Capcom, and more. However, we’ve yet to see a program like this that focuses fully on the people braving the hospital rooms and offices to do what they can for the sick and affected.

Games for Carers sounds like an incredibly worthy cause and we hope to see further programs around the world that focus in on those closest to the danger of the COVID-19 pandemic. It goes without saying, if you’re a healthcare worker in this ongoing situation, thank you.