Overwatch League 2020 first map pool rotation announced by Blizzard

Published , by TJ Denzer

It won’t be long before 2020 is here, and with it will come a whole new year of esports competition. That means more Overwatch League as well. OWL teams are getting ready for the 2020 Year 3 Season, and so is Blizzard. Blizzard has just announced the map pool rotation that will players will be competing on in Overwatch League 2020.

The Overwatch League announced the starting map rotation for OWL 2020 via the Overwatch League Twitter channel. This is will be the rotation in play for the first six weeks of the 2020 Season. The maps in the rotation include Illios, Busan, Lijiang Tower, Oasis, and Nepal in Control format in that order, followed by Hanamura, Horizon: Lunar Colony, and Temple of Anubis on Assault. Then comes Blizzard World, Eichenwalde, and Kings Row in Hybrid, and finally Junkertown, Havana, and Dorado on Escort. Capture the Flag, Elimination, and Team Deathmatch modes are excluded, and Numbani, Hollywood, Rialto, Paris, Volskaya Industries, Route 66, and Watchpoint: Gibraltar are also being left out of the action for this first run of 2020.

Overwatch League 2019 saw a ton of enjoyable competition come to a close with the San Francisco Shock and Vancouver Titans coming into the Finals. It was the SF Shock that rocked the show with a convincing 3-0 sweep to take the final championship of Overwatch League 2019 with incredible play from Jay “Sinatraa” Won and Minha “Architect” Park, the former of which scored 2019’s Overwatch League MVP award.

There have been quite a few changes since the 2019 season of Overwatch League, including plenty of trades and the Houston Outlaws changing ownership hands. With the first battlegrounds of 2020 laid out for Year 3 of Overwatch League, it will be interesting to see how players and teams have adapted in the off-season, especially with Overwatch 2 around the corner and likely to shake things up a bit in 2020.