First Post! October 10, 2019

Published , by Asif Khan

Hey Shacknews! First Post! is back for the second straight day (a little late). This article used to be how we kicked off the day on the Shacknews Chatty comment section before we switched to rolling 18 hour expiration on threads, but now it is just a nice place to kick off the news day. 

Hong Kong Protests

This protest video was posted to Reddit this week, but I figured it was worth sharing on Twitter and here. The young man in the video shouts that what the Chinese government is doing is a massacre and calls out authorities for using the same language as Hitler. Protestors are also using wearable projectors to confuse facial recognition cameras in Hong Kong. 


Mei has never been more bae.

Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney on censorship of Fortnite esports players and content creators: "That will never happen on my watch as the founder, CEO, and controlling shareholder." This comes as Mei from Overwatch is being turned into a symbol of Hong Kong liberation. 

Trade War

President Trump is set to meet with the Vice Premier of China tomorrow for another round of trade talks. The ongoing trade talks have been a huge cause of volatility in the global equities markets, and investors should expect more volatility if a deal falls through again. I wonder what the Shackers posting to the Trump Dump think the odds of a China deal are? (Turn on political filters to see that massive daily thread)

PG&E rolling blackouts hit California

Our good friend Sexy Bill the Cameraman reported outages in San Jose last night, which is especially hard when you are dependent on a CPAP machine for restful sleep. He went on to say that "The houses literally ACROSS THE STREET have power. Is this it? Is this how the Purge starts?" Head over to our PG&E Chatty thread to check in with us. Stay strong, NorCal Shackers!

Twitch streamed Germany synagogue terror attack

At least two people were killed in an anti-semtic attack on a synagogue during Yom Kippur. German media reports are that the gunman had a camera mounted to his helmet. He went on to post the video to Twitch. The video streamed for nearly 30 minutes before being taken down. A representative from Twitch said the company, "worked with urgency to remove this content and will permanently suspend any accounts found to be posting or reposting content of this abhorrent act.”

Sorry there isn't better news to report today, but such is life. In case you missed it on Shacknews, check out these articles:

What are you up to today, Shacknews? Let us know in the comments section. Be sure to subscribe to Shacknews Mercury to support our site for as little as $1/month. Here's a picture of Lola to kick off the day.

Lola is great.

See you later for Evening Reading!