How to fast travel in Fallout 76

Published , by Sam Chandler

Fallout 76 offers a large area for players to explore, purportedly four times the size of the Fallout 4 map, and getting around this wasteland can take time. Luckily for players, there is a way to fast travel around Appalachia, making the trek across West Virginia much more manageable.

How to fast travel

The fast travel system in Fallout 76 is incredibly simple: open the map and select a location you have discovered. Each fast travel will cost a handful of caps, so early in the game it can be a better idea to use your feet and walk wherever you need to go. Though there will likely be situations where fast travelling is a more attractive option, just make sure you’ve earned enough bottle caps to do so.

Not all fast travels cost caps though, as players can travel a co-op friend, their own C.A.M.P. or even their ally’s C.A.M.P. for free. Players should make good use of this system and set up one C.A.M.P. as a home base near a useful location (a vendor to sell goods) and then set out on an adventure. If a player needs to sell goods or return home to offload anything, they can fast travel back, drop their goods, and then rejoin their teammate in a matter of minutes.

As mentioned above, the one caveat to the fast travel system is that players can only fast travel to a location they have discovered. Players will need to make sure they fully enter the undiscovered area and the pop-up appears on-screen, else the location will not count as being discovered and then cannot be used as a fast travel point.

Be sure to check out the Shacknews Fallout 76 guide and walkthrough for other guides on the various mechanics in Fallout 76.