All Stories Tagged: Wanted

More Wanted Trailers as Release Looms Near

Video games often ask us to die for our countries, love or justice but Wanted asks the ultimate question: would you die for a loom? A graphic warning about the dangers of playing with guns follows be

Wanted Gameplay Footage: Shoot the Bullets

"The player controls all of this by shooting at enemies, as well as bullets," says a GRIN developer of Wanted: Weapons of Fate in the following, absolutely insane gameplay clip. The game hits PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 on March 24. PS3 and Xbox 360 d

Wanted Trailer Reveals Max Payne Influence

In the post-Matrix and post-Max Payne world, slow-mo shoot-outs are starting to feel a little generic. That's why, as producer producer Nick Torchia explains below, Wanted: Weapons of Fate only lets you trigger "assassin time" when popping out of cover.

Wanted Game Trailer Talks Innovation

The latest trailer for GRIN's Wanted: Weapons of Fate has the development team discussing the importance of doing things that haven't been done in other games. Set after the conclusion of the W

Wanted Game Delayed, Trailer Says 'Fuck'

Alongside that Batman: Arkham Asylum, publisher Warner Bros. has released the first trailer for GRIN's Wanted: Weapons of Fate, which takes place after the recent film. Along with a gratu

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