All Stories Tagged: Duke Nukem Series, Page 3

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3D Realms 'voluntarily withdraws' lawsuit against Gearbox

Back in June, Duke Nukem creator 3D Realms sued Duke Nukem Forever co-developer Gearbox Software for over $1.3 million. However, it appears Gearbox has walked away the winner, with 3D Realms "voluntarily withdrawing" their claim.

Duke Nukem Forever of E3 2001 reborn in Duke Nukem 3D mod

Oh, how glorious did Duke Nukem Forever look in 2001? My, how rubbish was it upon launching in 2011? The answer to both is "quite." But the dream we dreamed at E3 2001 never died, and now some fans have made it real-ish with a Duke Nukem 3D mod. Inspired by that trailer, they've recreated events and settings to make a weird and wonderful piece of 'What if?' fiction.

Duke Nukem 2 released for iOS

Before Duke Nukem had sunglasses, delivered pithy one-liners and surrounded himself with strippers, he was just kicking alien butt. To commorate...

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