Shacknews LoL

Created by Thom W.
  • 1 lols
    By: peat
    Doesn't seem like this will get very far, her argument in the court today was that she doesn't remember signing an NDA and doesn't recognize her signature on the document.
  • 1 lols
    By: HojuSimpson
    That's a 2002 Honda Civic with a T-34 aftermarket body mod
  • 1 lols
    By: derelict515
    “We will help you with X as long as you promise to help us with X next time” is a very easily understood and fair deal by anyone’s standards. It’s the opposite of what Republican’s are doing.

    Or we can continue to engage in asymmetric warfare and let terrorists control the government because let’s not rock the boat guys.
  • 1 lols
    By: TotalFusionOne
    Because those are the only two options. Extortion or completely rolling over. Anyway, other egregious mistakes in this essay you've posted:

    How better to force Republicans to produce a budget, which will contain unpopular policies, the better to run against?

    Well, Republicans did produce a budget, it has made almost no difference in the short term, they remain committed to engineering a recession while lying about the contents of their budget legislation, and the White House is left whining that industry trade groups and corporate-funded advocacy shops have not ridden to the rescue.

    Yes, they did produce a budget and it was wildly unpopular. With talking points that were hit daily until people decide to promote more #WalkAway stuff rather than keep hammering them home. The Student Loan argument alone has galvanized a shit ton of people. Clawing back money from Veterans? We're not using that as a talking point? Because it's been everywhere.

    The truth is, it was never savvy. It was always cowardice—and through that cowardice, a lack of imagination about how to transform something that can be framed in an unpopular way (tax-and-spend Democrats voted for unlimited debt!) into something like a confident, winner’s move (we refuse to be pushed around, and Republicans won't hurt the country on our watch. FAFO, motherfuckers!)

    Literally what's being done right now.

    More generically, we need Democrats who will stop treating the Republicans' serial default threat as a prompt to outmaneuver them, and instead simply overturn the game board; who will say it doesn’t matter if they pass an extortionate debt-limit bill or not, because there’s nothing to negotiate.

    Literally what's being done right now.

  • 1 lols
    No but I’d believe it
  • 1 lols
    By: AssGoblin
    Rent something else.

    What if I need to buy something from Home Depot but it won’t fit in my civic? Omg 🥺
  • 1 lols
    By: derelict515
    Just wanted to make sure I understood that your belief is that Apple is a scam too and all their new products and services are also scams.
  • 1 lols
    By: AssGoblin
    Rofl u been killing it lately bro 🤣🤣🤣
  • 1 lols
    By: derelict515
    my favorite part is where you don't understand the difference between something existing and not existing, must be tough trying to navigate the world
  • 1 lols
    By: derelict515
    actually the M1 is also a scam because the PowerBook was all the computing power a regular person could need