TrackMania Series Videos


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Trackmania 2 Valley launch trailer

Available now for $19.99, Valley takes the community into a 65-track solo campaign with rally-style handling, packaged with the series classic multiplayer modes.

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Trackmania 2 Stadium launch trailer

Ubisoft and Nadeo announce the official release of Trackmania 2 Stadium for PC at $9.99.

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TrackMania 2: Canyon 'Powered by players' Trailer

The TrackMania 2: Canyon community has designed stunning creations in the three months since launch, as shown off by Ubisoft in this highlight video.

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TrackMania 2: Canyon 'Launch' Trailer

Execute crazy stunts and race in several different modes, including championship and cooperative, in TrackMania 2: Canyon.

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TrackMania 2: Canyon 'Educational' Trailer

Learn more about the celebrated features, both new and old, coming to TrackMania 2: Canyon.

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TrackMania 2: Canyon 'Gamescom 2011' Trailer

TrackMania 2: Canyon allows players to race on numerous tracks with the ability to do stunts, as shown in this trailer at Gamescom 2011.