Relic Reveals Dawn of War 2 AI Fixes

The third post on the upcoming 1.3 patch for Dawn of War 2 details the improvements made to the game's AI.

"The AI can now balance its resources much better," writes developer Relic. "The AI also selects from its potential units in a more intelligent way, building counters to what the player is producing." Additionally, Relic also noted that the AI now be smart enough to avoid blindly capturing points as you blast them to bits.

The post ends with a few notes on bug fixes: "The most noticeable one will be the targeting of abilities. The computer now knows how to stomp and kill with abilities like jump, grenades, AOE attacks, and even Orbital Bombardment and Eldritch Storm."

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    May 7, 2009 5:11 PM

    Uh oh. Guess i'm going to have to finish up the sp and learn how to play.

    • reply
      May 7, 2009 8:19 PM

      Tyranids are easiest to play considering how imbalanced they are on several aspects, Space Marines are a good starting race as well (given you're already familiar with many of the units from the SP).

      TIP 1: Don't base rush, until you have dreadnoughts on the field you won't be able to battle there. Base heals and is supported by 2 turrets.

      TIP 2: Especially with SM, try to survive, retreat if you think you'll lose the battle.

      TIP 3: keep your units on the move/ doing something.

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