Jade Empire PC Possibility


French gaming site Sanqualis has a multi part Jade Empire interview, posted as WMA files. There is one specific part where BioWare joint-CEO Raymond Muzyka is asked about a PC port, and he mentions that's a possibility that's being looked into, though nothing is for sure. But it's at least better than what we've heard so far, Jade Empire definitely being an Xbox only game.

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From The Chatty
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    September 6, 2004 8:34 AM

    Hmmm - saw the game during E3: It looked like a beat 'em up with more story and interactivity, but it's possible that I saw more of the realtime fighting action than of the actual RPG part. And although it would be nice and refreshing to have such a game on PC as well, I don't think that it would sell - not because it's bad or anything, but simply because it's basically a console game with a console subject.

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