Titanfall 2 single-player trailer tells the story of a pilot and his Titan

A militia rifleman on the frontier wants to become a pilot against the IMC.


Titanfall has always been about multiplayer, but Respawn said early on that Titanfall 2 would also have a single-player campaign, and a new trailer and blog entry from the developer talk about what the player will experience in the story.

The trailer is narrated by a militia rifleman who glamorizes the pilot life and the bond between a pilot and his Titan. His aspirations are to one day become a pilot. The action is pretty intense, showing off wall walking, jet packs and general pilot badassery. Definitely worth watching, especially when one Titan throws away is gun to go metal knuckles against another Titan with an electric sword. 

As for the blog, game director Steve Fukuda puts a name to the rifleman, who apparently gets his wish to become a pilot. The story will focus on the relationshop between Titan BT-7274 and Rifleman 3rd Class Jack Cooper. The Titan is the first built by the militia to fight the IMC. "Since the first Titanfall they have become more organized, have more resources and wanted to create their own Titan to battle the IMC," Fukuda said. "BT is adaptable and smart enough to learn and respond to new situations. He is capable of using any Titan loadout and embodies the Militia’s culture of teamwork, craftsmanship, and looking out for each other. We had to adopt this theme internally as well to make BT work. It took many people across the studio and different disciplines coming together from art, animation, story, design, and you’ll see that BT moves, acts, and talks in ways players will have never seen a Titan do before."

Cooper is thrust into the role of pilot when the original pilot is killed, and you end up with a buddy story.

"The more they work together, the stronger the link between Pilot and Titan becomes," Fukuda said. "We drew lots of inspiration from buddy cop movies and other genres that explored the relationship between man and machine such as Terminator 2 and even earlier works like The Black Stallion. In the end we are very proud of the story and relationship that we’re telling in Titanfall 2 and feel that as players get to know BT through the game they will develop their own bond with him as well. We know we did."

We'll see how it comes together when Titanfall is released on October 28.

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