Pokemon Go new Nearby feature going through beta testing

Niantic has groups putting a new UI through its paces. 


The loss of a working Nearby feature in Pokemon Go, and the subsequent disabling of third-party tracker apps in the game, has led to quite a bit of frustration from users. Niantic promised ti was working on a fix, and some screenshots have popped up that show what might be a new UI that is coming.

Reddit user Toki767 is apparently part of a focus group testing the new UI. He posted some screenshots in the main Pokemon Go thread, which were pulled out into their own topic for discussion.

Here are some of the images he uploaded with his comments:

"Selecting the pokemon to track will also put an actual marker on your live map."

"Thankfully if a pokemon you're tracking despawns, you get this message."

"Pokestops themselves emit a pulse. So I imagine any pokemon you're currently tracking will be inside that pulse."

"Whoa! My Nearby section just changed. It will show the closest Pokestop if a pokemon is near there now."

"When you press a pokemon and click view, it zooms out and takes you to this overview map now. The pokemon is in the pink circle I'm guessing?"

"Pressing on a pokemon under "Sightings" gives a generic message now. Wonder if they'll provide some sort of tracking for that."

While this Pokemon tracking appears to center on Pokestops, Toki said his experience right now is that there is still no way to track wild Pokemon.

There is no word from Niantic on when any changes may be coming, but they have pushed out a few updates recently, including adding back the battery saver functionality.

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