Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare video tracks the promotion of a new Captain

in-game cinematic shows the toll on the ship Retribution. 


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is taking the battle to space, and while we have gotten bits and pieces of the story, Activision and Infinity Ward have release an in-game cinematic filling in some pieces.

We've known that  Lt. Reyes was promoted to command the ship Retribution,  but now we get some details. The initial attack of the Settlement Defense Force on SATO damages the ship, killing the captain and the executive officer. Reyes gets his battlefield promotion to Captain to fill the void.

The voice actors who played Reyes, Lt. Salter and the Staff Sergeant seen in the cinematic were at San Diego Comic Con last month, giving some insight into their characters. Reyes is voiced by Brian Bloom, Nora Salter by Jamie Hyder, and Staff Sgt. Omar by David Harewood.

The game is scheduled for release on PS4, Xbox One and PC on November 4.

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From The Chatty
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    August 4, 2016 12:04 PM

    John Keefer posted a new article, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare video tracks the promotion of a new Captain

    • reply
      August 4, 2016 1:01 PM

      This looks really awesome.

      Top quality in all areas. the lip sync, high quality voice acting, real nice dialogue, story seems cool I wanted to know more, sick real time in game engine, awesome details on everyone, etc.

      I am really looking forward to this COD, I sort of wish some would stop shitting all over it cause its COD its a new game so judge it from what you have seen and nothing else. If this was a new IP and a diff company most would be freaking out.

      I am getting both CODs(and I say that with no shame) this year, I can't wait.

      • reply
        August 4, 2016 1:52 PM

        Yeah, I mean I agree with others that it didn't have the best reveal ever but the game actually looks really great. The whole YouTube "dislikes" thing was completely stupid. That said, I likely will hold off on buying it simply because I will be super busy with work and research at the time of launch, but I will likely pick it up afterward, probably a bit after Christmas.

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