Happy Holidays 2015 from Shacknews

Shacknews is preparing to settle down for a long winter's nap, but we've been busy preparing plenty to read and watch during the break. Check out our content schedule!


The holidays are upon us, and Shacknews is preparing to settle down for a long winter's nap. The staff is all huddled all snug in their homes, and finally have time to play on PC and consoles. 

That doesn't mean the content is going to stop, however. We've been busy as squirrels hoarding articles for the winter, and you get to see the fruits of our labor over the next week. It kicks off today with "Our 2015 Favorites," a series of hand-picked games from each Shacknews staffer on games that may have been overlooked or fallen by the wayside for Game of the Year consideration, but that still hold a special place in our hearts.

That all leads to the big 2015 Shacknews Game of the Year, which will take place in countdown format all throughout next week. Keep checking back every day to see which games made the cut. We took a different format this year, starting individual discussions among staff members to get multiple sources on what made each game stand out. Plus, each Game of the Year entry will be accompanied by a special holiday-themed video from our crew, who have been saving their special vests and sweaters for just such an occasion. These will be accompanied by special 2015 Retrospectives on subjects like the biggest news to come out of 2015, and industry trends.

Finally, we'll kick off the new year right, with a series on our Most Anticipated Games of 2016. The future awaits, and we're bracing ourselves to meet it.

Happy holidays!

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