Tribes: Vengeance Demo Plans


There's a post by Vivendi's Adam Kahn on the Tribal War forums, where he mentions a single-player demo for Tribes: Vengeance will be released some time in September following the multiplayer beta test. The game itself is almost done as well, and they expect to ship early October.

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From The Chatty
  • reply
    August 28, 2004 1:42 PM

    fecking fileplanet subscriber beta's

    • reply
      August 28, 2004 5:57 PM

      amen to that i was waiting for this and then get whomped with the fagplanet only bs... at the very least companies could give an exclusive to the actual community and fans, like say run a promotion through tribes sites... but this fp stuff is just so slimey it drives me nuts... I have NO NEED for such a service as file planet but they throw cash at a developer and now I'm forced to pony up or be left out >:

      • reply
        August 29, 2004 1:55 AM

        The developer and publisher have been very active at the main Tribes websites, most noteably You can use this devtracker to see all of their posts.

        They have also given slots to the earlier closed beta to attendees of TribalWar/Tribes events and limited giveaways.

        Also, the Fileplanet exclusive only limits the open beta for a week. After the week is up it will be open for all who want to beta/try it.

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